Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy & Being a Millionaire: The Power of Money Beliefs

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Kids make money with the same creative genius that they make up stories - in fact, given a direction, the belief that powers that super imagination will power their money beliefs.

In first grade, I was the one who spoiled it. I told all the kids that there was no such thing as Santa Claus.

As a child, I was never told to believe in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. They were just figments of someone's imagination. My family focused instead on the religious aspects of both holidays. Now why there was a "Tooth Fairy" in our house is still a mystery. I mean, out of the 3, the Tooth Fairy seems to be the most ridiculous. Who really wants your tooth? The idea of somebody sneaking into your bedroom at night and getting all the way to your pillow is actually pretty scary when you think about it. But the money found there in the morning was concrete proof that my faith was founded on reality. I was a believer.

However, no one had to talk me into the boogie man who lived in the basement closet though; that was set in stone. There was incontrovertible evidence of his existence, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on edge whenever I would pass by the door, the lump in my throat when I would turn the handle to open that door and reach inside; the lightening speed with which I would grab whatever I had come for, slam the door and run back upstairs. Yup, he was real. I was a believer.

Then as years passed, I stopped losing teeth and we moved and cleaned out the closet. It was time for me to grow up.

It's a sad day when common sense and logic set in and "reality" rules. We don't realize it at the time; it just seems that we're doing what we were told and growing up. We don't understand until later that the unshakable faith and the magic contained in the power of our belief would carry us so much farther than logic.

Read through almost any inspirational or positive thinking program. Pick up any book, attend any seminar, what do you always find? No matter what other hints or advice or success training you'll receive, invariably the first step is to believe that you can have it, change it or do it. There is always a call to action which includes a knowing that it is possible, there's a flutter of hope, something that defies logic and yet rings true.

Kind of like when you were five and you slipped that first tooth under your pillow. You had been told that money would show up in exchange for that tooth in the morning. Even if you were a know-it-all and had some doubt, you believed enough to try it. Then, when the money was there, you knew it was right all along. There had been the ring of truth, that little possibility that made you think, "Could it really happen?" Your faith produced the hoped for result. You were a believer.

How much easier would success come to us as adults if we always retained that unshakable faith?

How much easier would success come to our children if they always retained that unshakable faith?

If the expectation that Santa Claus was definitely coming down the chimney was somehow bottled up so that long after you stop believing in Santa (or become Santa), the belief in knowing that what you choose to see in your life will show up, where would that mustard seed of faith take us?

Would we have started that business, knowing that we believed that we could do it, so it was possible? Would we have gone ahead and invested in that vacant land that our adult, logical brain called a crazy chance? Would we have met that person, taken that job in another city or gone for that promotion?

Rather than working hard at regaining that childish faith, let's work at encouraging our children to retain that faith. Sure, Santa and the Easter Bunny won't last forever, neither thankfully will that monster that lives in the closet. But the power of knowing that something is real and possible and a belief in yourself and your creative power - that is the key to success! That is the engine that drives us to the money, to the person of our dreams, to whatever goal we're reaching for: the belief that we can get there.

Let's give our children the opportunity to take the shortcut directly to what they truly wish to achieve. Encourage and nurture that unshakable faith and watch how far it will take them. If we put half the effort into growing our child's money beliefs as we do squeezing that one last year of faith in Santa, we would watch our kids make money with just as much enthusiasm as they make that Christmas list!

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