Bunny's Easter Egg

Bunny's Easter Egg Review

This bunny is absolutely adorable. The picture of it yawning is priceless. My two year old loves the story. Bunny doesn't want to sleep next to the unhidden egg (making strange cracking noises) and travels from place to place looking for a quiet space to sleep. Ultimately, bunny returns to the basket in time for the egg to hatch and makes a new "just right" friend. As an added bonus, kids are instructed to find the hidden eggs which is a task my 2 year old adores.

Bunny's Easter Egg Feature

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Happy Easter, Peter! (Peter Rabbit Naturally Better)

Happy Easter, Peter! (Peter Rabbit Naturally Better) Review

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Finding The Perfect Mother's Day Card

Image : http://www.flickr.com

We all know that as soon as the Easter decorations have come and gone from the stores, along comes the Mother's Day card aisle - reminding us of this special holiday that comes every May. But if you're like most of us, we will still wait until the last minute to find the perfect card for mom - combing the racks looking for anything that will concisely say all it is that we feel for our mothers.

From funny to sentimental, there are literally thousands of variations of the Mother's Day card on display for us to purchase. But this isn't our only option. With the rise in popularity of the home computer, there are new ways to create greeting cards that reflect our unique style and allow us to say exactly what we want to say without having to rely on the generic message created by a card company.

Software programs and Internet downloads alike will help you create and print your very own personalized Mother's Day card - complete with your text. It will allow you to choose from a variety of standard art, or, in many cases, you have the ability to upload some of your own artwork or pictures. You can even scan and upload a picture of you and your mother from your childhood! The only thing you need from this point is card stock and a high-quality printer.

If you're wary of using the computer and don't feel confident enough to create the perfect Mother's Day card yourself, you can still turn to the Internet to find something more unique than what you're likely to find in your local retail store. Look for websites that cater to unique and upscale card designs. You may find something from their stock that is exactly what you wanted; or you may have the opportunity to add your own touches to a card that they provide. In either case, you're likely to pay more than you would pay for a standard card. But the unique and special product that you receive is well worth the price.

Regardless of the type of Mother's Day card that you choose, the beauty is more in what you say rather than how you say it. Do your best to capture the special feelings you have for your mother on paper; she will treasure it always.

Tags : Easter Product Store

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The Trans Fat Time Bomb

Image : http://www.flickr.com

What do you know about industrially produced trans fatty acids? Unless you are actually a nutritionist or a doctor, the answer is most likely to be: nothing at all. And why should you? One survey a few years ago found that of the sample asked, 15 per cent thought trans fats were good for your love life.

Trans fats are a closely guarded secret. The food production and catering industries want to keep it that way. A handful of outlets have voluntarily started to cut back on their usage under consumer pressure, but there is no law against them.

Trans fats are a lethal side effect of boiling vegetable oil. Why boil vegetable oil? That all goes back to a pharmacist called Wilhelm Norman in 1903. Mr Norman was trying to find a way of making a substitute for tallow, which was very expensive at the time. Mr Norman discovered that if he boiled cotton seed oil up to 260 degrees Centigrade in the presence of a catalyst such as nickel, that when it cooled, it went hard. He had produced cheap candle wax by 'hydrogenating vegetable oil'. The thick, greyish-white slabs produced were great candles but Mr Norman didn't anticipate human beings eating them.

Food giant, Proctor & Gamble, saw the potential and bought the patent from Mr Norman. They were soon producing Crisco in America, a hard vegetable fat that was great for baking and had a long shelf life. Along came a whole series of Crisco cookery books for Japanese, Jewish or Philippine households. Titles included: A Cookery course in 13 Chapters; 24 Pies Men Like; and Crisco Recipes for the Jewish Housewife. That Crisco contained no animal fat made it ideal for vegetarian, Kosher and Halal households.

But there was a problem: this industrial processing of vegetable oil into hydrogenated fat (HVO or PHVO) turned out to be killing people. It wasn't really until a big clinical trial, The Nurses' Health Study, which ran for about 10 years in the 1970s and 1980s that the damage really surfaced.

By carefully detailing just what kinds of fat were being consumed, the researchers identified this hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oil as the queen of fast food fats that was more of a killer than saturated fats. In fact they discovered that you would need to increase your intake of saturates by about 900 per cent to get the same impact as you would from the same amount of trans fat. Just small amounts of trans fat - say two grams a day - increases your risk of heart disease by 23 per cent.

There's no use looking for cartons of trans fat to be avoided on the supermarket shop. What you need to find is hydrogenated-anything, but that will be on the ingredients panel, very possibly in a text size so small that unless you've brought your magnifying glass, you'll be in trouble. On top of that, because in-store bakery food doesn't need to declare its ingredients, you may still be innocently purchasing dangerous commercially baked produce.

So surely the European Foods Standards Agency would ban it immediately? No. It was far too useful in the catering trade. It gives great 'mouth feel'- the sort of thing you get with a nice sticky, moist doughnut or a Danish pastry. It lengthens shelf life too. One man lobbying against trans fats in America appears on television with a cup cake made more than 20 years ago. It still looks perfect and has retained the soft springiness associated with such confections.

Like so many of the dangerous substances we consume, trans fats appear in everything from stock cubes to sweets, children's cereals to vitamin tablets, Danish pastries to doughnuts, deep fried foods in restaurants, lunchtime snacks like sausage rolls and other produce from takeaways everywhere. They were in lots of the Easter eggs we gorged on a few weeks ago such as the Quality Street ones and they are even in some of the so-called 'energy' or 'health' bars on the supermarket shelves.

It is ironic that so many Danish pastries contain trans fat because Denmark was the first country to ban them in 2000. Nowhere there can hydrogenated vegetable oil be used and that includes within the catering and restaurant industries as well as the food producers. On 1 April this year, Switzerland followed Denmark and introduced similar legislation. Here in the UK and most of the rest of Europe, we continue to gorge our way through mountains of dangerous products.

When I came to write Trans Fat: The Time Bomb in Your Food (Souvenir Press £8.99), it was this deception that really annoyed me. How dare the Food Standards Agency, our elected politicians, the consumer outlets and the catering and restaurant industries not tell us that we are eating candle wax.

All of them have known full well about how trans fats are associated not only with a five-fold increase in heart disease but also with Type 2 diabetes, some cancers, infertility, inflammatory diseases, obesity and insulin resistance.

Eight of the big supermarkets said in January 2007 that they would remove all trans fats from their 'own brand' ranges within the year. Some managed it. Others didn't. There's nothing the law can do because this was a voluntary agreement. Besides, how much of what you buy in the supermarket is 'own brand' produce? If you shop at Sainsbury or Tesco say, then it's probably no more than 10 per cent.

Professor Steen Stender is the cardiologist in Denmark who became the force behind the decision to ban trans fats there. He says: "Between the introduction of the ban in 2000 and 2005, we saw heart disease rates in this country decline by 20 per cent. What more proof does the EU need before it dispenses with ineffective food labelling ideas and voluntary codes and introduces a level playing field for the food industry throughout the EU where no trans fats are used anywhere?"

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Diet Cheaters Smile

Image : http://www.flickr.com

So, what is the single biggest deterrent to a successful diet plan? Hmm, well I think we all know what it is don't we? We cheat. We take the plan we help write it we buy the right foods and supplements we might even incorporate some fitness and thus exercise. Whew, now that felt good. Get it out in the open everyone. You need to diet, you need to exercise and you know you are going to cheat on your plan. Is that not all of us or what? Of course it is. No one sets out to fail. Although as we hit our forty's and beyond we can no longer count on one hand how many start/stops we have gone through to lose that extra 20 pounds that somehow crept into our waste line. We blame it on the holidays and no government or faith based celebration is immune to this trophy. It's our excuse to cheat on our life fitness needs. When is the last time your mouth said no to Easter and that second helping of ham, mashed potatoes, greenbeans with the mushroom sauce and fried onions (personal favorite)? Notice I did not include the pies or chocolate candy that seems to be coming out earlier and earlier in the days celebration of Easter.

Ok, so that's the obvious. Cleanse the mind and lets beat this thing together. Now you are wondering, ok this crazy writer has hit all my weak points and somehow has not insulted my feelings so there must be a plan to beat the diet cheaters in all of us, right? Well its closer to a simple response than you think. But first some basics on the body and fuel. The body needs fuel to survive. But it really doesn't need synthetic add-ons or sugar coated snacks. What it needs is what nature provides us all around. But fuel is only part of the equation. The body needs to move. It needs to get out of the house and from behind that desk (every 20 minutes at least) and stretch and burn portions of the fuel. Fuel to the body, in the right combinations, is the key. Combine the right portions of the food groups (fruits, veggies, protein) with the right daily (yes daily) fitness plan and you will be able to "Cheat." Did this writer just say cheating is ok? You bet, within reason. In order to cheat you need to understand deficit fitness.

If you eat a balanced intake of the proper food groups then no-need to worry about your waste line. It will disappear when combined with 30-45 minutes of basic aerobics whether walking, jogging or all out running. Get the heart rate up (minimum of 20 minutes but let's not set that as a goal) and your body rewards you by increasing your fat burning engine or your metabolism. As always, consult your personal physician before any fitness program is started. No cutting corners here! So, let's get back to deficit fitness. What exactly is it you ask? It's the ability to exercise your body to a level that exceeds the amount of excess calories brought on by your daily fuel intake. Sounds hard? How do you keep track of all you eat. Tried this before and it works for about a month if you are lucky then you just get tired of calorie counting and you slowly drift off the plan. This is where you hear the yo-yo effect. Avoid this as all possible as the effect of losing weight then gaining it all back is not good for the body and actually could be worse than just maintaining a high weight for your age/height, etc. In order for this to work it has to be a life changing acceptance. Deficit fitness is just that and it's easy. First and foremost invest in a pedometer. These are devices you clip to your pants or throw in a pocket (some will work from inside a purse). Setup your pedometer first thing in the morning and then forget about it. Don't do any exercise. Just do your normal daily routine. As you end the day and prepare to go to sleep take a look at the number of steps you just completed. For most, without any exercise you will be in the range of 1500-3000. If you are in that range then you need to build a fitness plan to achieve another 7000-8500 steps per day. Wow, that hurt. Can't even imagine where I'm going to get that from since its now 10pm at night and I'm only 15-30% completed? Better not cheat on my diet as this wont work. Wrong! It's easier than you think.

Whether you are a morning, afternoon or evening person you can do this. It takes 60 minutes at a normalized pace of 2-2.5 mph in your walking. Runners take your marks as this is real easy for you and quite frankly you probably aren't associated with this topic due to your running routines. Ok, so now you know that you need sixty minutes in your day of 24 hours and approximately 7 hours is gone for sleep leaving 17 hours and then subtract out 10 hours for the office and general stuff leaving us 7 hours to plan this some where in our hectic lives. Oh, did I mention that 60 minutes of walking at a rate of 2-2.5mph (pedometer will give you all this once you set your stride up) will achieve between 8-10,000 steps? Yep, you will over achieve. If you over achieve every day (remember Life Changing decision here) then you can cheat! Look for more articles soon on how you keep this up over the long haul. We are humans after all and without variety we tend to drift away. Oh, and I take no responsibility for the amount of money you will spend at Nordstrom's buying new clothes! Congrats.

Recommend : Easter Product Store

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Want To Know More About Costa Rica?

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Today Norm Goldman, Editor of Sketchandtravel and Bookpleasures is pleased to have as a guest Erin Van Rheenen, expert on travel to Costa Rica and the author of Living Abroad in Costa Rica.

Good day Erin and thank you for accepting our invitation to be interviewed.


Please tell our readers something about yourself and your expertise pertaining to Costa Rica.


I've been travelling since I can remember, starting at the age of three, when my parents moved us from Portland, Oregon, to Lagos, Nigeria. That living abroad stint lasted two years, and since then I've lived in many places, including Ireland, Mexico, New York (a foreign capitol in its own right), Guatemala, Ecuador, and most recently, Costa Rica. I've traveled throughout the Americas and Europe, and have a running list of places I still want to visit.

I'm also the author of Living Abroad in Costa Rica, a guide for people who are thinking of moving to that country. The first edition came out in Winter 2004, and gives readers candid and comprehensive information on real estate, immigration, the business climate, private and public schools, expat social life, and Costa Rican history and culture. I describe in detail the various parts of the country, trying to give people an idea of what it would be like to live there.

I've been interviewed on CNN and on several radio programs, have made many bookstore appearances, and run a side business helping people plan their escape to Costa Rica. I feel that having lived in many different countries gives me a broader perspective--I can better appreciate what's unique to Costa Rica, like its political and economic stability, and the fact that nearly 25% of its territory is set aside in nature reserves and national parks.

More complete information (including my Top Ten Favorite Places in Costa Rica) can be found on my web site, Living Abroad In Costa Rica.


Where is Costa Rica and how easy is it to travel from the United States, Canada or Europe to this country?


Costa Rica is right in the middle of the Americas, at the northern end of the narrow isthmus that connects North and South America. Of the seven countries that make up Central America, Costa Rica is the second smallest (El Salvador is the smallest). Despite its diminutive size (it's about the size of West Virginia), Costa Rica has two beautiful coastlines (the Pacific and the Atlantic, also called the Caribbean), lush rainforests, active volcanoes, and great adventure travel options like rafting, hiking, and surfing.

It's easy to get to Costa Rica from North America. It's a three-hour flight from Miami, five hours from New York City, seven hours from Los Angeles, and eight and a half hours from Toronto. You don't need to apply for a visa--a valid passport is sufficient. When you arrive in Costa Rica they automatically stamp your passport with a visa good for 90 days.


Would you consider Costa Rica a good choice for a romantic getaway or wedding and honeymoon destination? Why?


I can't imagine a better place for romance. Costa Rica is safe and comfortable but still wonderfully exotic. You can't beat it for natural beauty, great weather, and that laid-back vibe that makes everything a lot more fun.

The tourist infrastructure is developed enough that you'll be able to realize your every whim. Want to get married barefoot on a white sand beach at dusk, torches lighting your way to the altar? Not a problem. I've heard of couples marrying at the base of thundering waterfalls, the spray so drenching the wedding party that everyone wound up in their underwear. Or people tying the knot in a jungle lodge, near the rim of an active volcano, or hundreds of feet above the treetops, clipped into zip lines on one of the ever-popular canopy tours. I even heard of one couple who married in matching toucan outfits. With those beaks, it must have been hard for the groom to kiss the bride.

There are countless hotels, resorts, and tour companies that offer wedding packages. You can arrange things yourself, but it's nice to have someone else take care of the details.

Costa Rica is also known as a gay-friendly environment, and some places specialize in gay and lesbian commitment ceremonies.


What is the best time to visit Costa Rica from the point of view of weather, costs, crowds, and the availability of flights from the USA, Canada and Europe and Australia, etc?


In terms of weather, there are two seasons: from early December through the end of April is the dry season, sometimes called summer, while May through November is the wet or "green" season. Different parts of the country have slightly different weather patterns. The Caribbean (Atlantic) coast, for instance, has more rainfall overall, and its driest month is often September, when the rest of the country is absorbing heavy rains.

Tourist high season coincides with dry season (Dec - April), with a second mini-high season during the Northern hemisphere's summer--June July, and August--when kids are out of school and families take their vacations. Around Christmas and New Year's is what you might call a hyper-high season, with prices shooting up and availability going down. If you plan a wedding or getaway around Christmastime, make sure you're planning ahead--more than a year ahead for some of the most popular areas. Easter is a very important local holiday, and the week leading up to Easter Sunday sees the country all but shut down, as Costa Ricans head for their excellent beaches and national parks.

Some hotels, tour operators, and car rental outfits offer green season (May-November) discounts, and you're likely to find the crowds thinning out a bit during those months. The rains can be prodigious, although they often come and go quickly, leaving the rest of the day for you to enjoy the outdoors.

A variety of flights from North America, Europe, and Australia are available year round.


How safe is it to travel to Costa Rica?


There is far less violent crime in Costa Rica than there is in, say, the United States, and political violence is almost unheard of here. Costa Rica has a history of pacificism that dates back to the abolition of its army in 1949. Unlike neighbouring republics, the country has no guerrillas, no political prisoners, and no military coups. It is known for its stability and its relative prosperity.

Still, petty theft is on the rise, as it is in many tourist hotspots, and travelers must be cautious. Never leave your bags unattended, and make sure you park your car in a safe place (most hotels have guarded lots).


Could you give our readers an idea of the costs involved if travel originates from the USA or Canada?


Airlines are adding more flights from North America to Costa Rica every day, and prices keep coming down. Standard flights from Miami run around $300, from Texas expect to pay $400 - $500, flights from New York City would be $500 - $600, and from Los Angeles you might pay around $600. But as seasoned travelers know, there are always deals to be had. The other day at a bookstore reading I was bragging about a $350 roundtrip fare I'd found from San Francisco - Costa Rica, and a reader handed me a flier for a $200 flight on that same route. Plan ahead, shop around, and you'll find some amazingly low prices.


If you had to choose 5 unequalled venues in Costa Rica for a romantic getaway, honeymoon or wedding destination, what would they be and why?


*Lake Arenal and Arenal Volcano

Only a few hours" drive north of San Jose, the Arenal area is lush and green, thanks to fertile volcanic soil from nearby Arenal Volcano. The volcano woke from a two-century nap in the 1960s, and has been active ever since. For rooms where you can lie in bed and watch the volcano go off, check out Arenal Observatory Lodge (www.arenal-observatory.co.cr), an old vulcanology research station made over into a comfortable lodge with extensive grounds.

* If you want to sit in hot springs while the volcano rumbles above you, try the Tabacon Hot Springs, with or without its nearby hotel.

* For a peaceful lake view that will make you think you're in a tropical Switzerland, try the La Mansion Inn , a Belgian-run enclave with de luxe cabins, excellent food and service, and free boating and horseback riding. They also have an excellent hotel in Manual Antonio, on the central Pacific Coast.

Northern coast of the Nicoya Peninsula (Guanacaste)

The northern Pacific coast of Costa Rica has the most sun and the greatest variety of lodging options.

You'll find everything from beachfront Bed-and-Breakfasts--the intimate Sueño del Mar near Tamarindo specializes in weddings--to all-inclusive resorts, like the Paradisus Playa Conchal, right on a beach made up entirely of tiny pink and white shells.

* For fun, you can take a night tour and see giant Leatherback sea turtles lay their eggs, go on a canopy tour, try your hand at surfing, or just laze on the beach or in your suite. With the airport in nearby Liberia receiving more and more international flights, you can skip the flight to San Jose and the four-hour drive to the coast. Flying into Liberia means you're less than an hour from the beach.

Southern tip of the Nicoya Peninsula

There are some great alternative-flavored beach towns here, like Montezuma and Mal Pais/Santa Elena, that have an appealing blend of rustic and luxury. You tale the ferry from the mainland, bounce down a rutted dirt road but end up at a 4-star hotel, like Flor Blanca , with its excellent restaurant and celebrity-studded guest list.

For those who don't want to spend a 4-star fortune, try Tropico Latino, a charming little beachside collection of well-appointed cabins that, last time I was there, was preparing to host a large wedding party from the U.S. Montezuma is easier to get to (the road is paved most of the way) and is slightly more developed, though surfers will better appreciate the breaks at Mal Pais/Santa Elena.

Between where the ferry docks (Paquera) and Montezuma you'll find a popular all-inclusive resort called Bartelo , near the town of Playa Tambor.

The Caribbean Coast

If each of Costa Rica's seven provinces feels like another country, the Caribbean zone qualifies as another universe. Even the weather is different--with dry season in the early fall, when it's raining in the rest of Costa Rica. Check out the quirky beach towns of Cahuita or Puerto Viejo, or tie the knot at a riverside lodge overlooking one of the country's best national park (Tortuga National Park).

The venerable tour outfit Costa Rica Expeditions runs a lodge Tortuga Lodge and offers wedding packages.

Maybe you'd like to seal the deal amid the peace and beauty of a yoga retreat with a ocean view.

Check out Samasati Nature Reserve , but remember, you and the wedding party better have 4-wheel drive if you're going to make it to this church of nature on time.

Another great yoga retreat where you can arrange to be married is in the Central Valley, just a 20-minute drive a from the San Jose airport.

The Osa Peninsula

National Geographic calls this fabled land "the most biologically intense place on earth." It's Costa Rica's Amazon, a tropical rain forest where tall trees drip vines, scarlet macaws screech, and the country's remaining jaguars roam.

There are several luxurious lodges on the coast between Puerto Jimenez (which you can fly into from the international airport in San Jose) and Carate, on the border of Corcovado National Park. It takes some time to get here, but once you arrive, you'll feel like you're in the middle of a paradisical nowhere.

On the other side of the Peninsula is Drake's Bay, near excellent diving and snorkling at Caño Island, and with some very luxurious, isolated lodging, like Casa Corcovado Jungle Lodge, which you can only reach by boat. Casa Corcovado has wedding and honeymoon packages available.


What should people know about celebrating a wedding in Costa Rica from the point of view of requirements, experience of the various hotels, etc.


Getting married in Costa Rica is easy, unless you're a woman who has divorced within the last ten months (see #8 below). Otherwise, bride and groom just need valid passports (which of course you'll also need to visit the country). Birth certificates are not necessary, and there is no minimum stay required--you can get married the day you arrive if you're in a hurry.

Many hotels and tour companies offer wedding packages that take care of all the legal details, arranging for the wedding certificate to be sent to you once you get home (it takes a few months to be processed in Costa Rica). But whether you get help or do it yourself, you'll need two witnesses, who cannot be family up to the third degree. As this excludes the bride's and groom's mother, father, sister, brother, grandparents, and most cousins, your best bet for witnesses are either friends you bring along or local strangers you entice into being a part of the wedding party.

No notarized documents are required, because all data will be included in a sworn statement which bride and groom sign the day of the wedding. The statement must include the following information for both bride and groom:

1) Full name

2) Profession/Occupation

3) Current address (home address)

4) Passport number and nationality

5) Date and place of birth - (city, state or province, country).

6) Full name of Father and Mother and current citizenship - (no initials, and you'll need to provide your mother's maiden name).

7) Mailing address -- This is the address where the final documentation will be sent. (It can take up to three months for the Costa Rican civil registry to process the application.)

NOTE: Once the couple receives their marriage document from Costa Rica, they must register it in their own city of residence. It is best to call city hall, town hall, municipality or equivalent to inquire where marriages are registered, and take the document as proof of marriage. Costa Rican marriages are recognized all over the world.

8) Marital status - if divorced, you'll need to list the date, city and state and the name of Court that decreed the divorce, plus the ex-spouse's full name. If you have been widowed, you'll need to list the time and place of your spouse's death.

NOTE: Costa Rica law stipulates that if the bride is divorced, her divorce date must be at least 300 days prior the date of the upcoming wedding. This law--archaic but still in effect--is designed to avoid children from a previous marriage being born into the next marriage. If the bride doesn't want to wait 300 days between divorce and remarriage, she must undergo two pregnancy tests by two different doctors, have them certify the negative results, have the certification translated by an official translator, and run through the required chain of signatures ending in the Secretary of State (or equivalent, depending on the country), and the Costa Rican Consulate. This must be presented to the officiating notary prior to the ceremony. Best to just wait out that ten-month period, no matter how eager the couple.


How far in advance should a couple prepare themselves for their honeymoon, romantic getaway or wedding in Costa Rica?


It depends on how big the wedding party is, and how elaborate you want the ceremony to be. If you're going all out and you want one of the more popular places during high season, I'd plan up to a year ahead. For smaller, simpler weddings, a few months ahead should do it.


What resources are available on the Internet pertaining to weddings and honeymoon vacations in Costa Rica?


Most of the hotels and agencies I list above have wedding packages available. And there's no shortage of companies that would love to help you out--an internet search will net dozens.


Is there anything else you wish to add that we have not covered?


I just want to warn people that they might fall head over heals in love--not just with their partner, but with the country of Costa Rica. A lot of people go down and find they don't want to leave. If you suffer the same fate, take a look at my book, Living Abroad in Costa Rica (www.livingabroadincostarica.com), to see that relocating to paradise is easier than you think.

Thanks Erin.

My Links : Easter Product Store

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Easter Peepers Pencil. 36 Each

Easter Peepers Pencil. 36 Each Review

Easter Peepers Pencil. 36 Each Feature

  • Unsharpened, round purple barrel, eraser.
  • Yellow easter eggs and ducklings imprinted on barrel.

Friends Link : Easter Product Store

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School Fundraising Ideas - Learn How to Raise Money

Image : http://www.flickr.com

As budgets get tighter and tighter, school fundraising is often a necessity. More and more, schools rely on fundraising for the "extras" including extracurricular activities. Students may have to "pay to play" on a sports team. Schools may not be able to keep after school programs unless additional funding is raised. Following are fundraising ideas for you and your school.

Car washes are great in warm weather. You can host the wash at the school or at a more central location in your community. A car wash is most successful if it is at a place where people already congregate. Ask your local grocer for the use of a portion of their parking lot. Often, they will donate use of their water for your fundraiser.

Food is always a great school fundraising idea. A common school fundraiser is selling candy. Candy can be sold several times throughout the school year. Sell it around holidays such as Christmas and Easter, times when people generally buy candy. They will buy from you instead to support a school. Parents of students can organize a community bake sale with proceeds donated to the school. Parents can also sell baked goods at PTA meetings as an ongoing fundraiser.

Just about any type of school activity has potential to be a fundraiser. The science department can host a science project competition. The school can then host a student science exhibit. All admission fees are designated for the fundraiser. The music department can sponsor a student concert. And the drama department can present a student play.

For a larger fundraiser consider a community-wide "Trash to Treasure" sale. This type of sale can be organized in two ways. For the first, ask community members to donate used clothes, books, and all other items. Then organize a larger sale to be held in the school's gymnasium or community center. The other way, community members hold their own garage sales and donate a portion of their proceeds to the school. Both ways creates community involvement and support.

School fundraising helps support programs and activities. All students can participate. Communities love to support school fundraising activities. All you have to do is select the fundraiser, organize it, and announce it.

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Why Paid Volunteer Programs Are a Sham

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Volunteering overseas is an admirable activity but if you are paying a commercial company to give up your time you might be doing more harm than good.

It is difficult to criticize anything as positive as good intentions, but it is worth putting that aside for a minute. There are many awkward aspects to volunteering, especially for the short term. These might not be so clear when you are looking at a glossy brochure promoting everything from teaching kids to helping emotionally unstable elephants.

The explosion of 'voluntourism' (sorry for the ism) is relatively new and caters largely for the 18-24 year old market. It's an absolutely huge market in the U.K and is steadily growing in Australia. Generally having some sort of skill set used to be a big factor when volunteering, but no longer is this the case. Volunteering is big money. Big businesses are customising volunteering packages for everyone, regardless of their expertise, motivation or time line. This is great if the volunteers are filling a genuine demand, but unfortunately in some cases this has led to projects being created and matched for the volunteers' needs rather than a volunteer being matched to an existing project.

This is a strange reversal of roles between volunteers and the people (or animals or grass patches) they are supposedly helping. Who is helping who? And why? Companies such as I-to-I (quite popular in Australia and Europe) will offer programs to volunteers in a range of destinations and have programs ranging from building work in Africa to helping turtles in Central America. These programs can be useful for very short trips, but similar programs can be organised elsewhere without the considerable amounts you will be charged by this and other companies. Paying what can be thousands of dollars to work, of which 100% is pure profit for the company organising your program and not the people in need, makes no sense. Consider these points before deciding to volunteer with a commercial company:

These are commercial companies run for profit. Very little, if any, of the money you pay will actually reach the project you are working on. Your services alone are what you are giving when you volunteer (consider I-to-I is owned by one of the biggest package tour companies in Europe).
Why pay so much to let somebody find you somewhere to work for free? There are heaps of organisations that will happily take your services without charging you anything. You will still have to pay your own costs in getting there and living expense, but you won't be stitched up before you leave. Paying three grand or so (without flights) to volunteer for a few weeks is madness.
Consider that if you book through a travel agent their company will be getting roughly 10% or more of the total fee you are paying. This money and the rest of the "admin" fee is better given directly to those really in need.
Check out traveller forums like Lonely Planet's thorn tree; there are regular complaints about commercial volunteer programs

Aside from the commercial aspect of volunteer tourism, another consideration is whether or not you are doing the right thing by local communities by volunteering there in the first place. Would you want your child taught by different and often unqualified teachers rotated every few weeks? or even people that just volunteer on weekends, as is offered by some companies? Despite the hype there are not often shortages of teachers willing to stay longer term in many places.

To be blunt, most people volunteer for selfish reasons. It's hard to question anybody's good intentions but you might find yourself in a position doing more harm than good, especially through commercially concocted programs. The positives to this type of program might be more the people you meet than the actual help you give. You will most likely be in a group of likeminded travellers and get more of a chance to meet and interact with locals than if you were just passing through. Just be wary of any glossy brochures and any company asking for massive fees to set up the program. While making one kid smile might be a great motivation, it's perhaps better to try and stick it out longer term if you really want to try and make a difference in their life, rather than yours.

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A Tale for Easter (Tasha Tudor Collection)

A Tale for Easter (Tasha Tudor Collection) Review

I was looking for a secular Easter book for my two year old's Easter basket this year. It was hard to tell from the description and other reviews if this one would fit the bill, however I have fond memories of my Tasha Tudor book, A Time to Keep, from my childhood, so I thought this one was worth a chance. It was a pleasant surprise.

Aside from the mention of Sunday School, and Good Friday, there are no other religious references. Of course in that same vein, there is also a reference to having hot cross buns with tea on Good Friday, a tradition that would likely be lost on most children anyway.

The majority of this brief little book - it's just over a dozen pages long - focuses on the awakening of spring as is conjured in a young child's dream, and on waking up Easter morning to a myriad of pleasant little surprises; a stuffed bunny in grandmother's rocker, Easter eggs, and new baby ducklings.

This is a sweet, simple, classic tale with lovely, gentle illustrations in a small format (the book measures about 6.75" x 6.75"), just right for tucking into a basket. I think it's lovely and I'm sure it will be a treasured Easter surprise for my young daughter.

A Tale for Easter (Tasha Tudor Collection) Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780689866944
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

A Tale for Easter (Tasha Tudor Collection) Specifications

You know Easter is near, but "you're not always sure when it is coming even though you go to Sunday school." In fact, "it is only when Good Friday comes, and you have hot cross buns for tea, that you know for certain Easter will be the day after tomorrow." A little girl prepares for Easter by asking the chickens to lay her plenty of Easter eggs and dreaming "the loveliest dreams" of a wee fawn that makes her light as thistledown and takes her on a journey past shiny-coated rabbits, lambs frolicking among buttercups, and stardusted daffodils.

Beloved artist Tasha Tudor, creator of the Caldecott Honor book 1 Is One and more than 90 other picture books, looks through the eyes of a child at a favorite springtime holiday. With her trademark delicate watercolors and honey-sweet text, Tudor revisits her childhood memories and dreams of Easter. This 1941 classic pays tribute to the celebration of renewal while transporting readers to a gentle, joyful era. (Ages 3 to 6) --Emilie Coulter

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The Spring Equinox: Celebrating the Greening of the Earth

The Spring Equinox: Celebrating the Greening of the Earth Review

My son has family members that celebrate both Christian and Pagan holidays. I found this book and others are a great way to put all of our traditions in a historical and equal light. We've been reading it since he was four but I recommend it for 1st graders and older doing a few pages a night.

The Spring Equinox: Celebrating the Greening of the Earth Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780761319832
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

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Easter Island, Earth Island

Easter Island, Earth Island Review

Reviewer: A reader
I have to disagree with the previous reviewer about the debunking of Heyerdahl being "excessive". The debunking is limited to only one or two chapters. For readers like me who have read Heyerdahl, this debunking was important because of the attractive neatness of Heyerdahl's theories as he had presented them.

The book is very well organized, with a good selection of photographs and diagrams.

The book's title and the previous review may give the impression that the book is primarily about environmental lessons we can learn from what happened to Easter Island, but in fact it is the best introduction to Easter Island studies that I have seen.

Only the final chapter is about lessons for humanity. The authors' arguments here are elevated by their citing of the well-known Club of Rome study on the Limits to Growth. All of its predictions for the 1990s did actually come true. A fact that is very clear to anyone who has read the actual report. The people of Easter Island flourished and lived well up to the very end when the crash finally hit from their overusing the island's resources. A sad tale, and now a sad history for an interesting vacation spot.

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Izzy's Christmas Song

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Izzy Baline published his first song, "Marie from Sunny Italy," when he was 19 years old and working as a singing waiter in a Chinatown restaurant. During a career spanning more than eighty years he wrote thousands of songs; he published 812 of them, and 451 of those became hits.

During his most productive years Izzy wrote a song a day. One critic even called him a writing machine. It must be remembered, however, that he usually did not write his songs in a day; he just finished them. His songs had gestation periods of months or even years.

Izzy wrote many of his songs for the Broadway stage and for motion pictures. Some of his best-known songs are "Alexander's Ragtime Band," "A Pretty Girl is like a Melody," "Blue Skies," "Cheek to Cheek," "Easter Parade," "There's No Business Like Show Business," and "God Bless America."

His songs were performed in the movies of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, among others, and Al Jolson sang "Blue Skies" in The Jazz Singer (1927), the first "talking picture."

Izzy completed his most famous song, "White Christmas," on January 8, 1940, and Bing Crosby introduced it to the world in Holiday Inn (1942), for which it won the academy award for Best Song.

Reportedly, Izzy began composing the song during a five-year stay in sunny southern California, where he was working on films, and finished it after returning to New York. Some of the many artists-besides Crosby-who recorded "White Christmas" include Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Ella Fitzgerald, Willie Nelson, Fats Domino, and Michael Bolton.

More than 30 million copies of "White Christmas," composed by a Russian-born Jew named Izzy Baline, have been sold worldwide. But Izzy Baline is not the name under which he published his music. Professionally, he used a different name, one he adopted when very young. We know him as Irving Berlin.

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Easter Greeting Card - Daffodil Easter

Easter Greeting Card - Daffodil Easter Review

Easter Greeting Card - Daffodil Easter Feature

  • Cover: Springtime's blossoms symbolize hope & renewal
  • Inside: Happy Easter, happy Spring!
  • Artist: Original Art ©Melissa Sweet
  • Size: 4.75"x6.5"

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Travel Nursing Jobs

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Learning about this subject will help you more in the long run than you may realize, until the time comes when you really need it.

If you ardor nursing and likewise passionate about nomadic to some of the mesmerizing seats, which you have seen in your dreams, nothing can beat the profession of travel nursing. Tour nursing jobs are not gives you useful work experience but also present you hope and confidence of your patients. Do you know what this travel nursing jobs is all about? Here are some important questions to understand the belief better:

What are tour attention jobs?

Attention jobs stationed in different locations, commonly for a stunted name are known as travel nursing jobs. It requires eligible nurses to travel to different remedial facilities and hospitals in different areas and supply as a transient remedial help. However, long-name tune might be presented in some luggage.

We hope that you have gained a clear grasp of the subject matter presented in the first half of this article.

Who can be a tour Nurse?

Anybody who has some experience and qualification and ardors to travel can become a good travel nurse.

How to find tour attention Jobs?

For receiving an actually good opportunity in nursing, you can curb with assorted nursing staffing agencies. Login against the Internet can also help a lot too.

How long is the tour attention Jobs Assignments?

Generally, travel nursing jobs are considered for a stunted stop of time. The normal assignment of travel nursing starts from eight weeks to 24 weeks, which can be expand foster after mutual agreements from both the parties.

What about the Housing and Other Facilities?

Good furnished housing and relocation is two of the critical facilities associated with the work of travel nursing. Before signing off any hire deals, travel nursing takes stuffed trouble of stuffed quarters, transportation and other facilities of travel nurses to give them an actually comfortable environment to work and grow.

What are the increase odds?

Tour nursing jobs offers admirable expansion opportunities for potential nurses. They present good and erudition work atmosphere in different geographical locations to grasp apex of nursing troubled. This experience of nursing cans also obliging in receiving wisdom, better understanding of complex situations in your life.

Seeing believes, but sometimes we can't all experience every subject in life. This article hopes to make up for that by providing you with a valuable resource of information on this topic.

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The Grand Parent Trap With Asperger's Disorder

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Having a child with Asperger's Disorder (AS) can be a fascinating journey, but it is also likely to be frustrating at times. It is vitally important for parents of children with Asperger's Disorder to understand that their child's perception of the world is uniquely different from their own. It is extremely easy to engage in power struggles. This only leads to frustration, anger, and disappointment on both the parent and the child's part. If you are involved in a power struggle with your child, it is likely that you will lose. So it becomes necessary to learn how to identify power struggles and to not engage in them. Because one person cannot convince or force another person to stop talking, to eat, to be still, to drink, or to move, there is no point in engaging in that battle. And, children with Asperger's or children on the upper end of the Autism Spectrum Scale often engage in these conflicts and seem to enjoy it.

Structure and consistency are both immensely important in parenting any child- much less, one with Asperger's or one who falls on the ASD scale. Providing structure leads to predictability, and being consistent results in the child learning to follow the rules and that when you say 'no', 'no' means 'no'. It is also essential to have a good balance between being consistent and structured, and still teaching the child to deal with change and to cope with changes in routine. This ability to adapt is often lacking in children with Asperger's. They tend to prefer a rigid routine. This rigidity is evident in their cognitive processes, in their behavior, and in the rituals they establish. Children with Asperger's often want things done in the same way, at the same time, and in the same sequence. So, while providing extreme structure may mean that life is much more simple, it also is most certainly beneficial to gradually, and gently nudge AS children out of their comfort zones, and to teach them to use positive self-talk and to help them cope with the anxiety that change brings.

One of the most effective ways to deal with change is by using positive self talk. This involves telling yourself-and teaching your child say to himself or herself-"I can do this. I can tolerate this. I can be successful with this. I am FINE!" Positive self-talk gives a child the words and the belief that he or she can, indeed, tolerate the change, which is imperative to his or her functioning. Because we tell ourselves what to feel, it is crucial to remind ourselves that we can cope. Both modeling this for our AS child and practicing it during non-stressful times will increase his or her ability to successfully use this skill when needed.

Another symptom of those with Asperger's Disorder involves their lack of awareness of the subtle queues and issues that are present in our culture, especially in a social context. There are many unwritten and unspoken 'rules' which we all follow. When we think about eye contact, personal space, introductions to other people, small talk, and answering questions, there are many norms and rules to follow that we don't always specifically teach. Or, that we don't continue to teach to children as they become older, which is necessary with the AS child. There are so many pitfalls and so many ways for these children to appear even more obviously 'different' because the AS child often doesn't learn these social behaviors. Therefore, it is fundamentally important to teach children with Asperger's Disorder, through a skills based program, all of those "how to, s" which include such things as how to properly introduce themselves, how to appropriately make small talk (by role-playing), and to understand that when the grocery clerk asks "How are you?" he or she is not really asking 'how you are', and the appropriate response is "Fine" or "Very well, and how are you?"

Another area that can cause a great deal of conflict for a child with Asperger's is learning that there are some questions to which there is only one correct answer. For example: When a woman or a girl asks the question "How do I look?" there is only one right answer. And, that one right answer is "Wonderful!" Or when asked the question, "Do you like my new haircut?" Again, there is only one right answer. Or, "Do I look fat in these clothes?" Yet again, there is only one right answer to this question (And if you don't know the correct answer, you may want to take an Asperger's questionnaire!).

The child with Asperger's, because he or she is very straight-forward, typically responds in a very honest manner. Most children with AS experience great difficulty with lying and manipulating. Now, in the grand scheme of things, this is a good thing because being honest and up-front is generally a wonderfully desirable character trait. However, it can certainly get you into a lot of trouble if you are completely honest with particular questions that occur within the context of a relationship. Example: A child made the comment "Your cooking sucks, Grandma!" while seated at Grandma's table for Easter Sunday dinner-with about 20 guests present. Now, his statement was, indeed, true. Her cooking was terrible; however, it is extremely socially inappropriate to make such a comment. AS Children, or even adults, for that matter, will often argue their point by saying, "But, it's true! And, yes, it is true; however, it is still inappropriate and hurtful to say.

There is another hazard that can occur within the new relationships of the child, the adolescent, or the young adult with Asperger's Disorder. Learning to interact within a close personal relationship can be a difficult lesson. For example: A guy asks a girl, "What would you like for Valentine's Day?" The girl answers, "Oh, nothing, you know, it's fine." She really doesn't mean "nothing." She really means "You better cough up the right thing, it better be exactly what I like, and you better spend the right amount of money - because this expresses how much you care about me!" The way to address these issues is through a skills based program. Practicing the correct responses, role-playing the various scenarios, and expanding the scenarios/roles are all good examples of the skills used to build the program necessary for the individual with Asperger's to grow socially.

A tremendous amount of situation-specific role-playing is necessary for individuals with Asperger's Disorder and their families. This is especially true because AS individuals are often quite literal and concrete. They tend take things very literally. This can mean they often get their feelings hurt quite easily, or they take things in an overly personal way. Additionally, they may present as socially awkward as a result of having taken statements or gestures literally, which were not meant to be taken as such. So again, practicing and expanding their repertoire of socially appropriate responses, is of utmost importance.

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What Is Easter

What Is Easter Review

What is Easter?, written by Michelle Medlock Adams, uses simple rhyming verse to question the reason for this holiday. The text asks about bunnies and chocolate, eggs and new clothes; are these what Easter is all about? Halfway through the book, the answers begin. There the author explains that all of these things are nice and fun, but they're not why we celebrate. She tells of Jesus, God's Son, who came to earth "to die for everyone." He had to die in order to save us from our sin. After three days, He rose again. The author goes on to explain that Jesus now sits next to God in Heaven. "He wants to live inside you too and fill you up with love!" The book concludes by reiterating it's point: Easter is all about God's Son.

The illustrations by Amy Wummer are soft and sweet. They feature lots of spring colors and joyful faces.

What I Like: This is one of very few Easter books that actually explains the why of Jesus resurrection: that He died to save us from our sins. It also offers a brief, but important application: that we can invite Jesus to live in us and fill us with His love. Also, the illustrations are really cute.

What I Dislike: The text is a little lame in some spots, and the rhyme isn't always perfect.

Overall Rating: Very good.

Tanya -- Christian Children's Book Review

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Inkology Easter Googley Eye Ball Pens, Medium Point, Black Ink, 12 Pen Set (241-3)

Inkology Easter Googley Eye Ball Pens, Medium Point, Black Ink, 12 Pen Set (241-3) Review

Inkology Easter Googley Eye Ball Pens, Medium Point, Black Ink, 12 Pen Set (241-3) Feature

  • 12 pen set, 3 assorted colors, pink, blue, purple
  • Googley eyes oogle while you doodle.
  • Lil Lamb in lavender and Funny Bunny in pink
  • Decorated plastic barrels come in cool coordinated colors
  • Ball point pen writes with Black ink and medium point pen nib

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Passover and Easter: The Symbolic Structuring of Sacred Seasons (Two Liturgical Traditions, V. 6)

Passover and Easter: The Symbolic Structuring of Sacred Seasons (Two Liturgical Traditions, V. 6) Review

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Group Game - The Perfect Game For Families & Groups of Any Size

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Have you ever gone online and typed in: "group games" or "fun group games" and all you find are silly and childish games? I know I have! I get somewhat frustrated when I am looking for fun adult group games, but I get games geared towards kids or families with kids.

Well, I want to put an end to this once and for all! While there are many fun group games out there, I wanted to include just one of them (below) that is a blast for adults, parents, groups, etc. It is perfect for the next date night, game night, family night, party, or family reunion - but really for any type of small or large group game setting. Have fun, and let me know how you enjoyed it!


# of Players: 6 or more

Objects Needed: Nothing

Begin by having 3 people leave the room. Those remaining will choose 3 things to be acted out: a person, place, and thing. These "nouns" can be anything - any person, any place, or any thing. Then, player 1 of the 3 who left the room will come back in, while the other two who left will stay in the other room where they can't see or hear. Player 1 will then choose one of the people from the group who stayed, and that person chosen will have to act out the person. Without talking, the person chosen from the group will then have to act out the person (actors only get 30 seconds, and they can only act it out once). At this point, Player 1 does not guess who they think the person is; they will then ask a different person from the group to now act out the place. Following that, Player 1 will also not guess what they think the place is, but they will again ask another different person to act out the thing. After all 3 nouns have been acted out, Player 1 will still not guess what they think each noun is.

Then, Player 2 of the 3 who left the room will then come back in, and now Player 1 will have to act out each of the 3 noun's (the person, place, and thing)to Player 2. Again, no talking, and only 30 seconds to act out each noun. Player 2 will also not guess what they think each noun is, but will have to act out the nouns to Player 3. After player 2 acts out all three nouns, Player 3 will then guess what they think each noun is. Of course, it gets very funny when the acting changes over the rounds, or people do not know what one of the nouns are, but they have to act anyway.

To make the game more competitive, divide the group into two teams and keep points. So, 3 teammates will go out, and when the 3rd person guesses, that team will get one point for every correct guess. Then, the next team will send 3 out, and this repeats. The first team to score 10 points wins.

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The Mystery of Easter Island

The Mystery of Easter Island Review

This reviewer first heard of this non-fiction travel book when I recently read the novel "Easter Island" by Jennifer Vanderbes (please enjoy my reader review of that novel too). That author made reference to the using Routledge's true story in her own novel. The main characters are based on Routledge and her 1914 Easter Island adventure expedition. This is a perfect example of the truth being stranger than the fiction.
The book is written in a very folksy light manner that was typical of many 1919 publications. Katherine Routledge and her husband "decided to see the Pacific before we died, and asked the anthropological authorities at the Britsh Museum what work there remained to be done, the answer was, `Easter Island.'" So in 1910 this wealthy couple decides to mount an exhibition to Easter Island. The first step is to build a 90-foot custom designed yacht in which to make the journey that they named "Mana." The Royal Navy "lent the Expedition a Lieutenant on full pay for navigation and survey." By this time the reader has a pretty good idea that Katherine Routledge wasn't a typical British citizen who wanted to go on a little ocean adventure. She seems more like a character out of Jules Verne science fiction novel. This may have been a scientific journey, but the expedition traveled in typical British Empire comfort.
Katherine Maria Pease Routledge was the second child of a very wealthy Quaker Family who decided to become an archaeologist. Her travel adventure is wonderfully related in this nearly 400-page reprint of the original 1919 book. The book is greatly enhanced by the addition of numerous drawings and photographs from the voyage. Routledge and her husband had previously published a book on the Kikuyu people of East Africa called "With a Prehistoric People."
Routledge, because of the time she arrived and researched the island was able to interview many people and study many traditions (such as tattooing) and works of art that had disappeared by the time later scientists arrived to study the island, its culture and the mysterious stone monuments the "Moai."
So typical of the glory years of the British Empire, lots of odd things happened even after the expedition ended. "The Royal Cruising Club Challenge Cup...was in 1917, awarded to `Mana" on her return...for a remarkable cruise of the Pacific." The two Pitcairners who joined the return voyage to England, who spoke "the pure Elizabethan English of the Bible and Prayer Book" were introduced to King George and Queen Mary and later provided passage back to the smallest colony of the British Empire.
"Only in England" could be applied to this story. It's a fascinating, fun read. It really does resemble a Jules Verne novel, only it really happened and was dutifully reported and the reader can look at the photos and admire the detailed drawings as well as read the written account.

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Want Hot Buns For Easter? Here is an Easy Leg Workout to Shape You Up Fast!

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Do you want great looking legs? Legs that turn heads? Legs that don't require stockings to look great? Well its easier than you think?

Follow my easy leg and bun's burner to shape up fast!

My favorite exercise for a shapely bottom and thighs is the squat. Squats are the best exercise for shaping not only your bum, but also your thighs. I personally love Squats and when done correctly they can result in shapely legs and a toned tight bottom.

The problem with them is that if not performed correctly they can lead to injury to the knees, which in some cases can permanently hinder our exercise program.

Proper form and technique is a must when learning how to squat and always start out slowly and if possible watch your side profile in a full length mirror while sitting back onto a chair placed behind you this will keep your weight back and down and stop your knees shooting out over the toes.

While performing squats it is important to stand up straight, and have your feet shoulder width apart. You should keep this posture back up straight during the whole squat.

The main thing you need to remember when performing squats is that you should never let your knees go over your toes; you should always be able to see your toes. The best way to describe this is to bend knees slightly, then pretend you are sitting down on a public toilet seat, and don't want to touch the seat ( I know you have all done this so think of this and visualize as you squat down ) simply push your bum backwards and down at the same time.

Starting from the standing position you need to slowly squat down till your thighs are parallel to the floor, Hold this position for 3 seconds on the way back up squeeze your bum muscles together and keep your abs tight throughout the entire movement.

Then push up through your heels to the starting position, you can hold your arms out in front for balance.

The key to this exercise is to go slowly. The slower you squat down and the slower you stand up again the more your muscles will work. The 3 second pause in the middle is also important. Start by doing 15 of these squats four days a week. Add another set of 10 squats to the 15 over the next four weeks, so that by week four you should be doing 2 sets one of 15 repetitions followed by one of 10 repetitions four days a week.

Once you have mastered this add some weight 2-4 kg dumbbells on your shoulders will give you extra resistance and work into the abs.

At this point you may need to add an extra set in start higher with the 1st set at 20 and work down.

Another great way to get a great abdominal workout at the same time is to hold a dumbbell on end Horizontal at eye level not over head but forward and squat.

There are many variations to the squat you could use a step and do side squats place one foot up on the 1st step and squat backwards keeping the same form as the standard squat.

This can also be done with a knee lift for added resistance so you simply squat and bring the left knee up, doing 10 on each leg after your standard squat set.

You will notice a significant different in your bum after four weeks of these exercises, and best of all they will only take minutes of your time.

If you really want to make a significant different in this area it's a good idea to pick an exercise such as swimming, running, biking, gym classes, boot camp etc.

If you can try to get some cardio intensive exercise in every day this will ensure that you get your heart moving, and in turn will start the fat burning process and you will soon see those tight buns.

Yours in health and Fitness

Charlotte Parker

Gold Coast Certified Personal Trainer

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