Araucana Chickens

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If you're interested in raising unique egg-laying chickens, then you'll want to consider the Araucana.

Araucana chickens are raised primarily for their egg-laying, and not as meat birds. They lay blue eggs!

They come in all colors and shades, and have two small tufts of feathers on both sides of their cheeks. True Araucanas are also known for being "rumpless," meaning they actually have no tail or rump.

Tufted Gene Problem

There is a problem with the tufted gene that results in rather high chick mortality for Araucanas. As a result, many hatcheries have hybridized their Araucana chicken breeding programs to include Easter Egger and Ameraucana chickens.

This means that the typical Araucana chicks you may receive from a hatchery could be a mixture of two or three different breeds of chicken. If you're looking for a show quality chick to take to your county fair, this type of hybrid bird will not get you a show winner.

Hybrid Vigor

However, it does mean that your chicks can have what's called "hybrid vigor." Your chicks will be stronger for having the qualities of a few different poultry breeds. And by stronger, I mean better health, better laying qualities, and just plain more vigorous and long-lived chickens.

We've raised hatchery Araucana chicks and loved it! They look unique to begin with since the chicks are different shades. Then as their feathers begin to come in, their looks change. You can end up with hens and roosters of all different colors. We had one chick that grew up to look like a bald eagle!

Colored Eggs

Hybrid Araucana chickens today can lay eggs that come in a variety of shades as well. The eggs can be blue, green, pink, brown, and any shade in between. Araucanas don't lay as many eggs as the traditional egg layers like the Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, Black Australorp or Wyandottes. On average, you can expect about four eggs per week from an Aracaunana. On the other hand, it's nice to have a varied flock since they, like people, can have differing personalities and strengths.

There are no special health benefits imbued in the Araucana's colored eggs. Studies have shown that their eggs have the same nutritional qualities as regular brown or white eggs. Their appeal lies in their varied appearance and colored eggs.

One tremendous benefit of raising your own eggs is that your eggs will have the gifts of sunshine, fresh air, grass and other green plants, and lots of bugs! When your flock is able to take advantage of good food and good nutrition, they'll pass that on in their eggs. And you and your family profit!

True Araucana chickens came originally from Chile in South America.

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