Debt! Time to Thrust a Spear Right Through its Ugly Heart

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Do you hold your breath every time the mail delivery person calls? Do you dread Christmas, Easter and the birthdays of family and close relatives? Do you look forward to getting holiday pay and bonuses only because it allows you a little more money to pay the never-ending flood of bills? Like the song by Simply Red... "money's too tight to mention." Is it?

Does any of the above sound just a bit like YOU? Or maybe even... a LOT like you?

Don't worry. I have just described the feelings of millions upon millions of people. BUT... that does not mean that YOU have to accept it. Well, not unless you have already given up and surrendered the rest of your life to the tyranny of debt. Have you already done that? I hope not.

How would you like to put a spear right through the ugly heart of debt forever? You can, you know. All it takes is a decision and then some positive action.

But, the REAL question is this - is the pain of doing something about killing your debt worse than the pain of debt itself?

Maybe you should read that last sentence again just to make sure that you UNDERSTAND what I said.

Are you MORE fearful of changing your habits than the reward of creating a better financial future for yourself? In other words, is it worth the EFFORT that you will need to put in? Only you can answer that.

Nothing worth anything was ever achieved without effort. For many people "effort" is a dirty word. It's far easier to whinge and whine and complain about how bad things are.

So, is that what you will do? Whinge and whine and complain? It's just SO EASY to do nothing. Isn't it? Or...

... are you prepared to confront your debts, put a plan in action, create a wealth building program for yourself and lead a less stressful life? You can beat debt. You CAN thrust a spear right through its heart and never have to worry about it again. If you want to.

Very simply, here are THREE steps:

make a decision

get a plan

work the plan.

If you cannot think of your own plan then - NO PROBLEM - borrow somebody else's.

A little bit of pain now will prevent a lifetime of continuous pain and struggle for you in the future. You can defeat crippling, worrisome debt. But do you REALLY want to? It's YOUR future. Only YOU can decide. Are you ready to take the spear?

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