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It's quickly approaching that time of year again...
Time to get into the mood and gear up for the holidays. The 4th quarter has three holidays that are major marketing targets; Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas for referring offices. It is the perfect opportunity to be "ExtraOrdinary" for your patients and referring professionals.
PIE or "Presentation Is Everything" is not an innovative or new marketing concept, but one that has withstood the test of time. Unfortunately, many practices do not utilize the full potential of this basic marketing rule of thumb, especially when busy, causing marketing efforts to slide. Consistent marketing efforts need to be employed all year round. Marketing efforts implemented in the past were the impetus for current success. Failing to maintain your marketing plan and moving forward, by raising the bar, will invariably reduce momentum and jeopardize future success.
Kids and adults of all ages love a fun, high energy atmosphere when entering your practice. "ExtraOrdinary" word of mouth viral excitement that creates reasons for patients and family members to talk about you is all part of a sound marketing plan. Providing a fun holiday atmosphere for patients and their families is time consuming, I know, but well worth the effort when marketing your practice.
Here are 10 tips that will help you make your office presentation easier:
1. Staff should always be on the lookout for cool office decorations. Buy one unusual office decoration for each season that will withstand the test of time, every year. Build upon and continually refresh your collection. Over time, it will become memorable.
2. Look for sales at the end of the season for the following year. You can find great Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations when you least expect it.
3. Mail order catalogs have unusual decorations and ideas. Suggest team members keep the office in mind when they are thumbing through catalogs at home or in the office.
4. Martha Stewart Magazine and her holiday decorating books are a great resource for unusual ideas. She provides resources and templates to construct decorations and themes. Pick an idea that you can create once and then store away for years to come.
5. If you don't have time, hire your decorating out... Do it Right Contact you local high school art department, ask patients, or find a mom that would like to exchange services for a portion of treatment.
6. Have the entire staff participate in decorating. Make a party out of it with food and drinks supplied by the practice. The job will get done faster and it is no longer a chore.
7. Combine Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations together when decorating. Remove the witches, bats and spiders after Halloween, but leave the pumpkins and fall decorations till after Thanksgiving, when the Christmas decorations go up.
8. Even though Christmas and Hanukah are religious holidays, to a child, holiday spirit is everything. Always decorate your office for the holidays. To make it really festive, consider hiring a professional holiday decorator to transform the outside of your office into something magical. It is a great transparent community marketing strategy that will make you "ExtraOrdinary" in your area from Thanksgiving through the end of January.
9. Throw out old or damaged decorations. If you wouldn't use them at home...don't use them in the office.
10. Pack decorations in color coded plastic storage containers, by holiday, to protect your collection, prevent mildew, and make it easier to quickly find the decorations for each holiday.
The PIE principle also applies to your referring dentists. Most specialty practices target the same holidays for referring dental deliveries. Your goal is to make sure that your gift outshines and supersedes your competitors, as well as other specialists. This will take some create thinking. Referring practices can't help but compared gifts when they are all being delivered at once. Make yours memorable, or better yet, consider making your Christmas delivery in January. It will be unexpected, appreciated more, and set you apart from the other gifts bombarding referring practices all at once.
Great marketing strategies always include PIE for the Holidays!
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