Want to make money ideas that work? AdSense does - Used in the right way

Image : http://www.flickr.com

People are looking for ideas to make money on that job because they know that many of these items are useless. I can tell you from personal experience that makes AdSense. You just need to know how to use it. In this article you will learn what to look for and what to do.

My personal history with AdSense

In April 2005, said the owner of a Danish Forum list - including me - had a new thing from Google. He had put on his AdSense Forum, and hedone with that money.

I had a banner on my site at home, but she had no income at all, so I thought why not try AdSense?

So I did. I hung up, like Google, have suggested, with color themes, borders and everything. Since I already banner, I chose the same size of my ads: 468 x 60

Then I tried the display by clicking on me. I could not see that you are registered, so I contacted Google, who told me politely that it was against their rules, clickTheir ads.

Three weeks later I started seeing a couple of clicks, but it took me a little money. Less than a dollar a day.

Just when I think about a book I learned more about AdSense, and when I finally hit shot (so $ 97) in the Book of Joel Comm AdSense, followed by income sky. I went from less than $ 1 a day, more than $ 10, then $ 40, and then ... One day I had over $ 100 profit.

I am now making a steady income of about $ 2,000 forMonths, and much, whether it is Christmas or Easter.

accepted into the AdSense program

Your first hurdle is to be accepted into AdSense. The easiest way is to go through the creation of a blog on Blogger.com and write a blog post a few.

Then you can apply for the program, and you should be included in a couple of days. The last time I helped a friend with them, he got his love letter in less than an hour after he requested.

If your first blog,they do not in business to make money. And stay away from illegal stuff, of course, but also pornography, violence, hatred, etc. Use your common sense.

Integrating ads on your site

The most important secret of making money with AdSense is how to integrate the ad units on your site.

You should not get up. Use the same colors on your website and use the same background color, border and ads, and displayBackground.

The ads are in harmony with the content, so as to act almost like a part of it.

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