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Good Friday is regarded as a commemoration of the crucification and death of the son of God Jesus Christ on a cross for alleged blasphemy of clearing to be the son of God, a blasphemy against his father who actually sent him to bring his word to mankind and teach them the way to get back to his kingdom. To the Germans, it should be called Dark Friday; and for good reasons two. And the resurrection of Christ was also being commemorated on Easter Sunday, the day He rose from the dead, and ten ascended to heaven after forty days.
Since that event in Jerusalem, faithfully of Christ in religions rituals for about two thousand years - except for the new generation churches that are rather hollow in their spiritual understanding but see spiritual things as a means towards material end. But no one has reflected on the principal issues.
Jesus was killed and crucified as a troublesome truth bringer. His death never took away but added to our sins. And his resurrection was not physical- his physical body never ascended to heaven. It was his ethical body that was seen by the men going to timanus (Lk 24:13 - 27) which was why they did not recognize him who has been with them for three years. Also Mary Magdalene could not recognize him (In 20"11-18) it was not the physical body that Thomas used to touch his wound ( ).
Easter was the time that Christ, dead by incarnating into the world of matter dead to those in Divine realm - resurrection from the world of matter and headed back to his father. In the same way, anyone that leave the earth back to paradise has resurrected from the world of matter. Hence, resurrection is actually a spiritual activity, since the body is neither alive nor dead, but becomes animated by the spirit inhabiting it. And for most people, the spirit inside their body only animates the body by virtue of their presence in the body but are on themselves asleep, and may not wake up until the destruction of the ego it has acquired during the wanderings in the world of matter.
But the resurrection at the final, or last Judgment is a different thing altogether, it is the resurrection of all that is dead in the world of matter- not the resurrection of all the dead. Mark well the difference it does not mean that my dead grandfather will rise up from the grave - my grandfather who has already disintegrated in the soil to form manure for the tree that has grown on it which was fed on by the goat we slaughtered and at for crusade. How will he then gather back his body, to resurrect?
Resurrection means the animating of evil thing slumbering within us that we though does not exist anymore- be it from past life or otherwise - all propensities will become active until it exposes itself to the world and thereby judges itself, to be destroyed in the Judgment. If any one still clings to such propensities, it may well happen that he is destroyed with it. But let us discus Easter.
Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Christ. It also reminds us of our own later resurrection from the world of matter to go back home to paradise. These shall also be Easter for the earth itself during the purification period, popularly known as the time of tribulation. With the appearance of the comer, the earth enters it's own passion week. The rays of the comer grips the earth and shakes it in a universal earthquake that convulses the earth as if it is about to perish but the fever is meant to restore in new life. With that, it pulls the earth to the orbit it is meant to be, from which it was displaced what, at the fall of man, when man replaced spiritual recognition with intellectual calculation, when we forget our first love (Rev.2:4) the joint volition of mankind formed a dark pall over the earth and depressed it's orbit. Everything that was dead will be animated, the good to become better, the bad to be eliminated. This is what the mystery call a shift in consciousness, dimensional shift and all the gobbledygook they invent to render elitist simple concepts.
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