Six Super Simple Steps to Finding the Perfect Babysitter

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1. When finding that 'perfect' babysitter, go to who you know. Friends and family are your first stop, next would be other sources you trust such as a religious or civic organization.

2. Once you have a list, check and double check their references. You can even go a step beyond and use an information gathering website like or for a background check. Remember, there is never 'overboard' when you are finding someone to leave your child with.

3. Contact their previous employers, teachers, relatives etc. Make sure to ask these references about the sitter's qualifications.

4. Interview your list of sitters in person and observe how they interact with your children. A good sitter will be mature and responsible, one who listens and positively responds to your children. They should be relaxed and enjoy being with them.

5. Make a list of responsibilities and expectations. Go over a 'what if?' scenario of what they would do in an emergency situation. Does the sitter know child CPR? First Aid? Many area hospitals and medical centers provide babysitting safety courses. Have they attended any?

6. Get all the sitter's information: name, address, home and cell phone numbers, email and yes, even their driver's license number. Also, make sure that you go over their hours and fee for services. If they are a younger sitter, go over any other details such as; do they need a ride or will they have a parent pick them up?

Finding a babysitter can be a daunting task. But if you follow these six simple steps, your mind will be at ease to enjoy a long overdue 'date night' or a rest assured meeting or outing.

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