Useful Travel Tools and Gadgets

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If you are a frequent traveler, it may quickly become difficult to keep track of all aspects of your travels-- including your pictures, the places you go, and your budget. After a certain point, it will also be hard to keep track of the different airlines you have flown with and your total number of frequent flyer miles with each company.

The Award Wallet is a free Internet resource that can help you keep track of your frequent flyer miles as well as other award program points. Development of the Award Wallet began in 2004 by Todd Mera and Alexi Vereschaga. As frequent business travelers themselves, they decided that they needed a tool to keep track of the frequent flyer miles they were accumulating. Whether you are traveling for business or for pleasure, the award wallet can help even the average traveler. It will save you time by putting all of your frequent flyer information in one place, no matter how many airlines you have flown before.

If you travel with the right gadgets, you can stay connected and secure. An Ethernet cable is another gadget that is useful to travel with. Not only will it provide you with a faster internet connection, but having an Ethernet cable can also mean the difference between signing on for free or paying for a wi-fi internet connection.

A universal power adaptor is essential if you traveling overseas, but having more than one will come in handy. A reliable adaptor is good to have, but in case you lose or break that one, it is useful to have a spare or two as well.

If you are traveling with other expensive gadgets, such as your laptop, a retractable lock will come in handy. You can lock up your backpack or your laptop, or connect several bags to secure. This is especially useful if you plan on staying in a less secure hostel, or if you plan on sleeping in an airport for the night.

Another one of the many useful travel gadgets to have is a mini flashlight. If you are traveling with others or if you are staying in a hostel, you can search through your backpack in the dark more easily without disturbing anyone else.

Finally, a USB stick is useful to have whether you are traveling or staying at home. A USB stick can hold an ample amount of information depending on its size, including documents you may need while traveling or pictures you take while on your trip. There are 12 downloadable applications to put on your USB stick, including Google Talk and Firefox Portable, that will make your USB more useful to you while on the go. USB sticks are small and easy to lose, so don't forget to protect your information by using TrueCrypt hidden folders.

Though these gadgets and tools are not necessarily glamorous or attractive, they are useful and more likely to help you than any other flashy product.

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10 Free and Low-Cost Ways to Give Kids the Best Christmas Ever

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A fantastic Christmas doesn't have to mean big bills in January.

The real magic of Christmas - the stuff that makes kids' eyes light up, gives them a warm glow inside, and creates delicious memories - costs little or nothing.

Here are ten ideas for free and low-cost "magic" the kids will love:

1. Sing Christmas carols with your kids while cooking and cleaning together, while wrapping gifts, or just before tuck-in time.

2. As a special treat during December, serve hot chocolate milk with a candy-cane stirrer. While your child sips and stirs, read aloud a favorite holiday book. Or, if the Nativity story is part of your family's celebration, point out that the candy cane is shaped like a shepherd's crook. Then read or tell the story of the angel who appeared to shepherds watching their flock at night.

3. Take a plate of home-made cookies to a homeless shelter or to people who work at night, such as firefighters or hospital emergency staff. If you're celebrating the birth of Jesus, also put a bit of food outside for animals on Christmas Eve night to honor the animals at the manger -- an old Slovak custom.

4. Give each family member 10 strips of paper in holiday colors. Let everyone write or draw something they're thankful for on each strip. Link the strips into a chain and hang as a decoration.

5. Make thank-you cards for each other, sharing what you appreciate about each member of the family. Open them on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning.

6. Make paper snowflakes and display them in a window. Here's how: Trace and cut out a circle from white paper (the flat end of a coffee can or oatmeal box is a nice size for tracing). Fold your circle in half. Next, fold your half into thirds, so that you're left with a shape that resembles 1/6 of a pie. Now, snip out bits of paper here and there and unfold your masterpiece.

7. Make a simple paper-chain Advent calendar. Cut 25 strips of paper, and number them 1-25. Link the strips to form a chain. With yarn, string or ribbon, hang your chain in the middle of a doorway with link #1 at the bottom. Each day starting December 1, let the kids remove the bottom link of the chain.

8. Go to your local library and check out children's books about the holidays. Put the books in a special box or basket in your family room or living room.

9. Have a holiday family movie night at home. Get a holiday movie from your library or video rental shop and watch it together. Include bowls of popcorn if your kids are past the age where popcorn presents a choke-hazard.

10. Avoid post-Christmas let-down by planning an outing or special family activity each day until the kids go back to school.

A PURE KID-STUFF BONUS TIP: After dark, turn on your Christmas tree lights and turn off all other lights in the room, including the star or other "topper" on your tree. Now lie back on the floor with your kids and notice the cool shadows on your ceiling.

(c) Norma Schmidt, LLC

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Gospel of Judas: Betraying Jesus - Again?

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From the onset, let it be known that I am convinced that the spiritual teachings that we now have neatly placed into a handy carrying case (The Bible) are not now, nor have they ever been ALL that was written upon which we could gain insight into God's plan for man. What we have is surely ENOUGH, but I don't believe it's all. That's my personal conviction. You can have yours, too. What we now have as canonized Scripture is the "official" information but we all know that "officials" are often lying when their lips are moving. My personal vote for should-be-canonized Holy Writ would be the book of Enoch. Why omit the information from a man who walked with God for 300 years? But somebody smarter than me gave Enoch the axe.

Throughout the ages, the Powers-that-be have used the Bible as a means for pushing their own agenda, omitting that which did not suit their needs or adding that which supported their doctrine of choice. Rex Lex, it's called; the King is Law or, better put, the Law is King. Some verses have even been omitted from some Bible versions with an explanation. I have my own explanation: the Powers-that-be and their appointed editors didn't have the faith to believe what the verses were declaring.

Editors? Yes, every Biblical version has Editors, people with many impressive letters after their names who are chosen to determine what spiritual food is best for Christians to digest. In the case of the New International Version, for example, my own research has revealed that one of its editors was a lesbian. This might explain why the NIV is so "weak" in its stand against homosexuality. I've also learned that Rupert Murdock of Fortune Magazine fame - once known as Rupert the Red for his stance in favor of Communism - actually owns the copyright to the NIV. Gee, I wonder what agenda HE might be subtly pushing?

Do you catch my drift? We mustn't check our brains at the door where our spirituality is concerned. That rule of thumb must also apply in light of the recent revelation, something called the Gospel of Judas.


Judas, whose name means "Jewish man," was NOT inserted into the Gospels as some sort of "EveryJew" in order to breed anti-Semitic hatred. Judas was apparently a quite common name just as "Jesus" was. The apostle Thaddeus is also known as "Judas, the brother of James," as well as "Judas, not Iscariot." The Book of Jude is attributed to a man named Judas, too. Judas Maccabeus, one of the great heroes of Judaism, is one possible reason why so many kids were once tagged with that name. I live in Texas and have met more than my share of kids named Dallas, Austin and Travis.

Here's what the Associated Press had to say about the Gospel of Judas:

AP - For 2,000 years Judas has been reviled for betraying Jesus. Now a newly translated ancient document seeks to tell his side of the story.

The "Gospel of Judas" tells a far different tale from the four gospels in the New Testament. It portrays Judas as a favored disciple who was given special knowledge by Jesus - and who turned him in at Jesus' request.

"You will be cursed by the other generations - and you will come to rule over them," Jesus tells Judas in the document made public Thursday.

The text, one of several ancient documents found in the Egyptian desert in 1970, was preserved and translated by a team of scholars. It was made public in an English translation by the National Geographic Society.

Apparently, these papyrus manuscripts consist of

- a Gnostic codex in Sahidic dialect containing the lost 'Gospel of Judas' known from history only through Saint Irenaeus (c. 140-202 AD), Bishop of Lyon,

- the "First Apocalypse of James"

- the "Epistle of Peter to Philip"...

- the 'Book of Exodus' in Greek...

- 'Letters of Paul' in Sahidic dialect...

- and a 'Mathematical Treatise' in Greek"

...whatever that is.

All these manuscripts are priceless historical documents (I've read the figures of $3,000,000 to $10,000,00 being tossed around in association with these pieces), only comparable to major finds like the Dead Sea Scrolls from Qumran. Though some say they belong to mankind and must be publicly preserved and studied, others are being driven by greed and the whole story reads like some kind of dramatic suspense saga that reminds me of the Nicholas Cage thriller, National Treasure or the more recent Tom Hanks flick, The DaVinci Code. The Associated Press wrote that "the journey of the text to Switzerland was "replete with smugglers, black-market antiquities dealers, religious scholars, backstabbing partners and greedy entrepreneurs."

If you're interested, all of this comes from a number of articles on the web site of Michel van Rijn, who monitors the art market. His site is A search for 'Gospel of Judas' reveals other details of the negotiations.


The Associated Press reported (3/2/06) that "an expert on ancient Egyptian texts is predicting that the "Gospel of Judas," a manuscript from early Christian times that's nearing release amid widespread interest from scholars, will be a dud in terms of learning anything new about Judas."

That expert is James M. Robinson, considered America's leading expert on such ancient religious texts from Egypt. Robinson is an emeritus professor at Claremont (Calif.) Graduate University, chief editor of religious documents found in 1945 at Nag Hammadi, Egypt, and an international leader among scholars of Coptic manuscripts. He predicts that the text won't offer any insights into the disciple who betrayed Jesus because it's not old enough.

"Does it go back to Judas? No," Robinson told the AP.

The AP story said that the text, in Egypt's Coptic language, dates from the third or fourth century and is a copy of an earlier document. The National Geographic Society, along with other groups, has been studying the "Judas" text.

National Geographic said Thursday it will release its report on the document "within the next few weeks" but didn't specify whether that would come via a book, magazine article or telecast. Robinson has not seen what National Geographic is working on, but assumes it is the same work assailed by Bishop Irenaeus of Lyons, the heresy-hound of his day, around A.D. 180.

Here is what I found on the Roberts-Donaldson translation of this section from the pen of St. Irenaeus:"Others again declare that Cain derived his being from the Power above, and acknowledge that Esau, Korah, the Sodomites, and all such persons, are related to themselves. On this account, they add, they have been assailed by the Creator, yet no one of them has suffered injury. For Sophia was in the habit of carrying off that which belonged to her from them to herself. They declare that Judas the traitor was thoroughly acquainted with these things, and that he alone, knowing the truth as no others did, accomplished the mystery of the betrayal; by him all things, both earthly and heavenly, were thus thrown into confusion. They produce a fictitious history of this kind, which they style the Gospel of Judas."

Irenaeus was saying that the writings he saw came from a "Cainite" Gnostic sect that stood against orthodox Christianity. "They produce a fictitious history of this kind, which they style the Gospel of Judas," Irenaeus wrote in "Against Heresies." He also accused the Cainites of lauding the biblical murderer Cain, the Sodomites and Judas, whom they regarded as the keeper of secret mysteries.

The AP story goes on to say that Robinson admits that the text is valuable to scholars of the second century but dismissed the notion that it'll reveal unknown biblical secrets. He speculated the timing of the release is aimed at capitalizing on interest in the film version of "The DaVinci Code" a fictional tale that centers on a Christian conspiracy to cover up a marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

"There are a lot of second-, third- and fourth-century gospels attributed to various apostles," Robinson said. "We don't really assume they give us any first century information."

H.C. Puech and Beate Blatz write (New Testament Apocrypha, vol. 1, p. 387): 'Dating: the Gospel of Judas was of course composed before 180, the date at which it is mentioned for the first time by Irenaeus in adv. Haer. If it is in fact a Cainite work, and if this sect - assuming it was an independent Gnostic group - was constituted in part, as has sometimes been asserted, in dependence on the doctrine of Marcion, the apocryphon can scarcely have been composed before the middle of the 2nd century. This would, however, be to build on weak arguments. At most we may be inclined to suspect a date between 130 and 170 or thereabouts."

That's odd. Another so-called "expert" named Charles Hedrick, Missouri State University - and other scholars - are saying the codex was produced in the fourth or fifth century. Hmmm. These dates are derived through radiocarbon dating, a commonly used method to determine the age of archaeological finds. Fool-proof? Not by any means. I recall reading about some chicken bones from dinner the night before that were carbon-dated and the results clearly showed that they came from the Bronze Age or something like that. Tasty!

In every case, the experts seem to agree with Irenaeus that the Gospel of Judas reflects the theological traditions of the Gnostics, a second-century sect, a community that believed true spirituality was derived from a self-knowledge, or "gnosis," not the New Age self-knowledge we see being touted today.
Figures depicted as sinful in the Old Testament, such as Cain and Esau, were typically lauded under Gnostic theology.

For Robinson, the significance of the Gospel of Judas has to do not with first-century history but with second-century mythology. Still, he offered these half-serious reflections in his closing remarks in an interview last month: "Where would Christianity be, if there had been no Judas, and Jesus - instead of dying for our sins on the cross - had died of old age?" he asked. "So: Thank God for Judas? Even the most broadminded among us would call that heresy!"

Then call me a heretic, Professor. Though I won't go so far as to thank God for Judas, I CAN and WILL thank Him that He had a plan and that plan DID call for the shedding of innocent blood for the atonement of sins. Yours, too. Jesus was born to die. If it hadn't been Judas, it would have been somebody else. Besides, it's not about Christianity, the religion; it's about having a relationship with God and how that gruesome death on the cross made that relationship possible. More importantly, it's not so much about HOW Jesus died so much as that he was RAISED from the dead. He could have died in a donkey cart accident, so long as his blood was shed, but what matters is that He lived again.

Besides, many prophecies were fulfilled in the way that Jesus died, including His betrayal by one of His friends. Compare these Old and new Testament verses regarding just a few of those prophecies and you'll be amazed. Makes a GREAT Bible study!

Psalms 41:9 to Matthew 26:47-50;

Zechariah 11:12 to Matthew 26:14-15;

Isaiah 50:6 to Matthew 26:67-68;

Isaiah 53:5 to Matthew 27:26;

Isaiah 53:7 to Matthew 27:12-14;

Zechariah 11:13 to Matthew 27:5-7;

Psalm 22:16 to Luke 23:33;

Isaiah 53:12 to Matthew 27:38

This is certain; God had a plan all along and His ways are higher than ours. Isaiah 55:8,9: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."


Let's say, for a moment, that you are Lucifer. Not comfortable with that? Ok, let's say that I am the devil incarnate. What ELSE would I do to shake the faith of the Christian world that I haven't already done? My war with you is on several fronts, remember: your flesh, your mind, and your spirit. Satan's opposition against the church is not a frontal attack, but a subversive attack through intrigue, deception, and trickery. The demons were shocked to discover that Jesus had come in a manger. They were expecting Him to come later, for one final confrontation (Matthew 8:28-29). Satan's strategy for the present time (until the final conflict) is that of subversive activity. Terrorism, for example. He is presently employing deception and intrigue to trip up the Christian world at large. This is a time of guerilla warfare, of snipers and booby traps, not of frontal attack.

Where the Gospel of Judas is concerned, all I can say is, nice try, devil. He's done this before, maximizing the number of reporters looking for an Eastertime "religious" story to discount Christianity. This is the season when those "Jesus" programs hit their peak all over cable TV. My goodness, the results of the "official" research are to be released after Easter, when Christians around the world traditionally will have marked the official version of Christ's death as told by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Monsignor Walter Brandmuller, president of the Vatican's Committee for Historical Science, calls this "a product of religious fantasy." He said the "Judas" manuscript would not have any impact on church teaching. Seeing as how the Church has already addressed this matter between 1500 and 1900 years ago, it's not surprising that he doesn't think there will be much of an impact.

I'm inclined to agree. Sadly, there will be many who are sitting on the fence or those looking for an excuse that will be swayed by the scientific findings. Yes, there will be those baby Christians - some who've been warming pews for 50 years - who will become confused by the outcome. But any Christian who is well versed in Scripture will not be moved. We can get some insights into one of the primary Christian heresies that has never completely disappeared, and may even perhaps get some personal insights into our own walks with God. This may prove to be a test for you. Just remember what it is that we're reading. Eat the meat and spit out the bones.


William Klassen, author of "Judas: Betrayer or Friend of Jesus?" considers the manuscript an asset to any attempts to rehabilitate Judas' image. "It's important to look at this Gospel of Judas very carefully, because this is evidence that in the late second century, in the time of Irenaeus, there was a group who held up the banner for Judas," he said.

While we're at it, let's discuss the kinder, gentler side of Satan and the love sonnets of Hitler. I guess there will always be those who hold up the banner for that which is blatantly evil. Although Judas cooperates in the arrest of Christ, Hedrick said, the codex does not depict him as a villain. "He is the good guy and he is serving God."

Hedrick, who saw the Judas papers, agreed with Robinson that the original Gospel of Judas was probably written in Greek in the second century AD. Most scholars agree that the scribal hand used in the Coptic translation would date that text to the fourth or fifth century.

"I don't think it will unsettle the church," Hedrick said in an interview. "I mean we are not talking history here. We know very little about Judas from the New Testament, and some people have even challenged whether Judas was a historical person."

Hedrick said the last six pages of the Judas document describe a heavenly scene in which Allogenes (see below) is being tested and tried by Satan, followed by an earthly scene in which Jesus is being watched closely by scribes. At one point Judas is told, "Although you are evil at this place, you are a disciple of Jesus." The last line of the text says, according to Hedrick: "And he [Judas] took money and delivered him [Jesus] over."

So, Hedrick said, "it appears that Judas is working at the behest of God when he betrays Jesus as part of the divine plan." When translations of the Gospel of Judas are released with accompanying commentary, Hedrick does admit that "there will be a lot of sensationalism, but it will dribble out, leaving only the scholars interested."

Church discussions conceivably could revolve around the extent to which New Testament Gospels present events in Jesus' life and passion as ordained from the start. Hardly anything is known about the document's contents "other than a few personages" it names, said Professor Robinson, identifying them as the mythological figure Allogenes (literally, "the stranger") known from some Nag Hammadi texts, and Satan, Jesus and Judas.


If you read online, the text placed at the New York Times website (why their keen interest?), read it with one eyebrow raised...remembering that "Gospel" means "Good News." Then go study your Bible like a good follower of Jesus Christ. We've got work to do.

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Witnesses: Inside the Easter Rising

Witnesses: Inside the Easter Rising Review

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5 Traits You Cannot Teach In Customer Service

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There are character traits you cannot teach in Customer Service. If we could, we would because it makes the whole world a better place, not just Customer Service.

We can't, and therefore we work with people whom we believe to most exemplify these traits.
Here are 5 you cannot teach.

1. Enthusiasm. We see it, we feel it and boy, do we wish everyone had it.

Many people don't though. It is often reflected in their faces when a request is made and reinforced with a sullen "just a moment" that does nothing to help us believe that we are about to receive a Service which we so desperately hope is better than what Mr. or Ms. Sullenface has just prefaced us with.

Enthusiasm is infectious, contagious and outright fun. It seems the Enthusiast is everywhere, ready and willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that we have a fantastic Customer Service experience. It is reflected by the pride they take in doing the job right, the care they take making sure everything is just so and the delivery of "Is there anything else I can do for YOU Mr. or Ms. Customer?"

The Enthusiast is nearly extinct these days. The victim of "Faster, More, Cheaper" Customer Service.

Are you exemplifying "Faster, More, Cheaper" or are you trying to grow Customer Service Enthusiasts?

2. Happiness. A feeling of pleasure. I have come to believe that Happiness is sometimes misused for the word Enlightened.

I know, now you think I am really off my meds. Let me ask you something. Have you ever met a person who was Happy? I mean really, really Happy? Really, when? Where do you think "Happy Hour" comes from? My point is that when people feel Happy, it leads to the ending of Happiness, or a state of Unhappiness. In other words, there is a limit.

I don't think there can be a limit to Enlightenment. Either way you think about it, it is not something you can teach. You can feel it. You can see it when another person really has it. You just can't teach someone to be Happy or Enlightened. They have to find it themselves.

3. Commitment. The feeling one has when one decides to do something no matter the cost or the journey. The ability to see it to the end. People who have commitment are not easily swayed. They keep putting one foot in front of the other, keeping their eye on the prize, the goal, the end.

Oh, they have trials and tribulations, and when you ask them about it, they shrug and say things like "That's the way we do it" or "It needed to be done." They have little concern or care for the thoughts of others who can't see the world through their eyes. They shrug and say "It's got to get done, and I'm the person to do it." You can't teach that.

4. Belief. The thought that someone feels completely, through and through that resonates deep inside them and tells them that they are on the right path. They don't need your beliefs, and are quite content to let you have yours.

Once it is felt between a group of people, it sings to everyone's heart in that group. A drumbeat that is felt by and played by all. It brings a natural power to a person that is unquenchable and unwavering. When all else is in doubt it is Belief that carries a person through.

I have experienced total Belief and a loss of Belief and I can tell you that when there is a loss of Belief, it literally can crush a soul. It's at these times that a person has to find that small spark, that ignites and starts the fire anew. You can't teach that.

5. Attitude. Among all, I really want to have the ability to teach Attitude. You could point out to someone what Attitude looks like and say things like "He/She has a great Attitude, you would do well to be like this" and the person would say "Oh, I see. No problem. Attitude is adjusted to maximum. Thanks." And it would be.

Or say something like "Study this book, read chapters 3 and 4, answer the questions at the end of the chapters and you will have the Attitude you need to make it through life." Right. The world would be a much more interesting place if all of our Attitudes where in sync and working towards a common goal.

" Imagine," as someone once said. You can't teach Attitude in Customer Service.

If you are trying to teach one of these to your personnel in the hope that they will morph in Customer Service Professionals, forget it. You have a better chance of seeing Santa Claus, The Tooth Fairy and The Easter Bunny playing bocce ball on your front lawn one morning.

Concentrate on finding those people who best demonstrate these traits.

Help them grow their own Enthusiasm, Happiness, Commitment, Belief and Attitude. You will be much happier with the results. (Or Enlightened)

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Silly Tilly and the Easter Bunny (An I Can Read Book, Level 1)

Silly Tilly and the Easter Bunny (An I Can Read Book, Level 1) Review

From the name, this masterpiece of poetic songs may seem childish. What a deception! I may be a bit old for kiddy books, (I'm 47), but I cried the first time I read this book. I was so shocked when it went out of print. I am organizing a strike against those naughty publishers. SILLY TILLY live forever!

Silly Tilly and the Easter Bunny (An I Can Read Book, Level 1) Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780064441278
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

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Should Toddlers Have Allergy Shots?

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There has always been fear connected with allergy shots for a toddler or infant. This fear has its roots in the occasional but rare severe reaction to the allergy shot. So what are the benefits and what are alternatives

If the cause of an allergy can be detected at the outset then this of course gives the best means of defense by training the toddler to avoid contact. There are some difficulties when toddlers are outside in the open air where pollens are airborne.

With the indoor allergy causes such as molds and dust mites etc the obvious solution is to clean the house and rid the area of these causes. Yet even here there are exceptions because cleaning wont do the whole job when the smallest particle of the allergy substance will do harm to the super sensitive toddlers skin or airways. There is the further issue of insect bites and bee stings which cant always be anticipated. In such cases there needs to be planning ahead to know exactly what to do especially with any life threatening bite or sting. Added to all this is the whole matter of allergy to foods and that's a whole other matter.

Medications for allergies are common these days and are very effective in reducing allergic reactions. Scripts containing Claritin and Singular are widely used in prescriptions these days and with the toddler must of course be administered in the correct proportions according to a doctor's direction.

Having prescribed shots administered for a toddler are universally accepted as safe and can even have the effect of helping the young child develop immunity over time. These shots are generally most effective when given over a period of several years, which enables the Childs body to slowly develop immunity with risk.

There are two phases in the administering of allergy shots. The 'buildup stage" where small but increasing doses of allergen are given so that the toddlers system adapts to the allergen without a reaction. These shots may be three times a week up to seven months and it has the same effect as a vaccination program

There is a time of maintenance now that follows this is to complete the immunizing process and give an close to permanent benefit. When the body has developed a high immunity to allergen then this is to be followed up with monthly shots over three years

If there are any side effects these will be minimal and can range from a mild irritation at the place of the shot to at worst colds or skin hives. There are however some rare but very serious reactions such as anaphylaxis and if this occurs which is indicated by shallow restricted breathing you need to get emergency help from doctor or hospital. If there is any history of anaphylaxis in the family or any previous testing for it then the antidote injection needle can be supplied to have on hand. The substance is simply adrenalin, which immediately relieves the symptoms

To give a toddler the allergy shots is a serious commitment and a visit to local doctor before application for some advice will be well worth your peace of mind. However to ignore the issue is to possibly leave your toddler at risk as in the case of bee stings and other insect stings, which can give strong reactions. To have a life long benefit for the toddler into his or her adult years is the benefit gained.

Copyright Leonard Greenhall

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Easter Greeting Card - Easter Bouquet

Easter Greeting Card - Easter Bouquet Review

Easter Greeting Card - Easter Bouquet Feature

  • Cover: no message
  • Inside: Sending special wishes for a wonderful Easter!
  • Details: Embossed with hand sculpted dies, die-cut, metallic accents
  • Artist: Watercolor by Elizabeth Campbell
  • Size: 5"x7"

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Six Super Simple Steps to Finding the Perfect Babysitter

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1. When finding that 'perfect' babysitter, go to who you know. Friends and family are your first stop, next would be other sources you trust such as a religious or civic organization.

2. Once you have a list, check and double check their references. You can even go a step beyond and use an information gathering website like or for a background check. Remember, there is never 'overboard' when you are finding someone to leave your child with.

3. Contact their previous employers, teachers, relatives etc. Make sure to ask these references about the sitter's qualifications.

4. Interview your list of sitters in person and observe how they interact with your children. A good sitter will be mature and responsible, one who listens and positively responds to your children. They should be relaxed and enjoy being with them.

5. Make a list of responsibilities and expectations. Go over a 'what if?' scenario of what they would do in an emergency situation. Does the sitter know child CPR? First Aid? Many area hospitals and medical centers provide babysitting safety courses. Have they attended any?

6. Get all the sitter's information: name, address, home and cell phone numbers, email and yes, even their driver's license number. Also, make sure that you go over their hours and fee for services. If they are a younger sitter, go over any other details such as; do they need a ride or will they have a parent pick them up?

Finding a babysitter can be a daunting task. But if you follow these six simple steps, your mind will be at ease to enjoy a long overdue 'date night' or a rest assured meeting or outing.

See Also : Easter Product Store

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Liquidation and Closeout Opportunities For Those Running a Dollar Store

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It has been said that the success for those running a dollar store can be found in the buying of products to resell. While the cost associated with purchasing and then shipping dollar store merchandise to your store location may be a major challenge, there are creative options to help relieve the pain. One such option is to locate and purchase products from liquidation and closeout companies. These companies make a great alternative product source. Here are 3 reasons to seriously consider liquidation and closeout suppliers for your business.

1. Liquidation and closeout companies supply an outstanding source of latest, shelf-pull or overstock items those running a dollar store would never have been able to offer. If you spot the correct deal, then do not waste time. Make your purchase before the items are no longer available. These can include mainstream dollar store products as well as products not normally seem in a dollar store.

2. Spend pennies on the dollar for shelf-pull or overstock dollar store merchandise which sells like hotcakes. It is only a matter of searching for items that are appealing to your regular shoppers. You will gain revenue and the customers will be surprised of the items that they will find.

3. Avail yourself of seasonal goods off-season to have great savings. If storage is available, go to liquidation and closeout companies for their seasonal goods 6 months prior. For instance, shop for Easter goods during summer and fall, while you can get Christmas and Thanksgiving materials during spring and summer. Again, you will find incredible costing on products you regularly will not be able to make available in your shop.

These are only a few of the potential benefits offered when using liquidation and closeout companies as your resource for merchandise.

Do not jump into a deal until you thoroughly understand the products, terms and conditions. Make sure you know the company is reputable and they will actually deliver the products represented. Consider a test order or two before making major purchases. As you gain confidence and knowledge you can search for great transactions from these sources and shell out much less for the merchandise you would not have previously even been able to offer in your store.

Your shoppers will be excited about the super finds they will make whenever they shop in your store. At the same time you have greater profit potential and are offering more than just regular dollar store merchandise. Through following these ideas, you are on your way to success.

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Easter Greeting Card - Easter Spring Bouquet Pop-Up

Easter Greeting Card - Easter Spring Bouquet Pop-Up Review

Easter Greeting Card - Easter Spring Bouquet Pop-Up Feature

  • Fun, eye-catching, pop-up card makes for a memorable greeting
  • Cover: no message
  • Inside: Happy Easter (Pop-up art)
  • Details: Die-cut interior with glitter accents Artist: Colleen O'Hara
  • Size: 5.25" square

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Candle Accessories For Your Home

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Do you like decorating with candles in your home? Almost any room in the house or an apartment can accommodate candle use, as long as you set it up safely and don't leave candles unsupervised. Although you may think of candles primarily as table ornaments or birthday decorator items for a cake, there are many uses to which you can put candles, and their accessories, to make your home more warm and inviting.

Consider adding wall sconces along your central staircase. Use the electric kind to prevent fire hazards. These candles may run from batteries in their base or by electric plug-in cords. Wall candles add a lovely, romantic feel to a stairwell, creating a sense of intimacy and perhaps an old fashion look to blend with your decorating style. Wall sconces work well outside oft-used rooms, like the bathroom, as well as home offices, dens, and family rooms. You can get faux candles for your sconces just to be sure no one accidentally lights them to create a potential fire hazard.

Votive candles add a decorative touch around the holidays, especially. Set out a candle ring of plastic, vinyl, or fabric flora, taking care that it is fireproof before lighting the candle at its center. Smaller candles can be placed around the main one as accents in color-coded arrangements that emphasize certain holiday or pastel shadings for purposeful design. Votive candles may be white, but then are placed inside colored glass holders. These make great Advent or Easter centerpieces, as well as table decorations for religious celebrations like First Communion, baptism, or church membership.

Large, round candles help to create attractive centerpieces for holiday themes, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, or even Memorial Day. Trim the candle base with related decorator craft items, albeit it fabric, flowers, or a basket, and add whatever else helps to make the candle fit the occasion.

Special dinner celebrations can be commemorated with candle centerpieces or candelabra in the center of the table or on a side area, like a buffet. The candelabra may represent spiritual significance for events like Passover or Christmas, or they can simply add a romantic touch to the evening. Use a flame quencher to put out each candle when you are ready to extinguish them.

Candles do not need to be lit to become part of an attractive centerpiece or decorator item. For example, you can attach a candle to the center of a wreath without lighting it. Candles at either end of your fireplace mantel make a nice touch, as do a cluster of varied size candles in the hearth when your fireplace is not in use.

Use candles to add intimacy, romance, or mysticism to your next gathering for guests or just for your family. Few decorating objects add so much ambiance as a candle, especially one that is scented. Small and tall, or large and wide, candles that are wisely used can bring any room to life.

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Spring Wedding Ideas

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Spring is the time of new life, beginnings, and adventure. The weather starts to warm up as the sun slowly emerges. And, the surrounding starts to turn green. Then, the flowers start to bloom. That is why spring wedding is getting popular.

Think of bouquet of flowers, bulb of flowers, pot of herbs, group of butterflies, group of dragonflies, breeze of spring, and garden of vegetables as the wedding themes. Decorate the wedding with abundance of flowers and green. The wedding can also have an accent of Easter feel as Easter falls on the spring time.

The spring wedding flowers are a variety of magnolia, sweet peas, lilies of the valley, ranunculus, snowdrops, tulips, and anemones. The anemones are a Dutch flower with vibrant petals, and dark centers. To add an Easter feel, the hyacinth, irises, and daffodils works best.

Yellow, pink, lavender, and green are classic colors for the spring wedding. The colors works for wedding dress too. In fact, the colored wedding dress is trendy and fashionable. Moreover, the spring is the best time to take a chance to be daring, delicious, and adventurous. The bride can actually get away with pink, tan, or beige wedding dress. For the groom, the chocolate or mocha brown suit will work perfectly.

The weather in spring can be very unpredictable. Prepare for a change of weather within hours. Have several plans for sunny, foggy, windy, and rainy day. For example, an outdoor event tent can be very handy during rainy days.

Decorate the center of the table at the reception with a bulb of flower on a clear glass and water resin. For example, a bulb of pink or white tulip flower sets in a clear glass and water resin. Another example, a bulb of pink magnolia flower with twigs and leaves set in a clear glass, and water resin. And lastly but not least, a bulb of snowdrop flower set in clear glass and water resin.

For romantic mood, there is nothing like a candle light. To make the candle light to work, the wedding must start a little later. To hang a metal lantern also works. The candle in glass votive that is tied up in an organza ribbon can also be placed on each table. It can work as a wedding favors too.

The centerpiece for the wedding reception can be a garden of herbs, and flowers. The pots of rosemary, thyme, or other herbs will work. The shrub espaliers which can grow in many geometric shapes and sculptures looks beautiful as a centerpiece.

Use the freshness of herbs, vegetables, and fruits for the wedding menu. The strawberries, apricots, and rhubarbs are a party in your mouth during spring time. The fresh spinach, asparagus, and carrot are awesome on the side. The herbs can really spice up the menu as well.

The wedding in spring can be very tricky. The wedding will compete with proms for the venues. So, you must plan early. The weather can be tricky as well. The weather can change anytime. That is why it is good idea to have plan A and B. With spring time, you can play and have fun with colors. It is no wonder that spring wedding is getting popular.

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Where Are Baby's Easter Eggs?: A Lift-the-Flap Book

Where Are Baby's Easter Eggs?: A Lift-the-Flap Book Review

My daughter is 9 months old and just got this book from her Grandma in anticipation of Easter. She loves it, just like she loves all of the Karen Katz "Where Is/Are Baby's ____?" lift-the-flap books. She also loves the Karen Katz touch and feel books, but not as much as the lift-the-flaps. (Incidentally, she's not that into "Counting Kisses", which is neither touch/feel or lift-flap, but maybe she will be when she understands counting better.) We've been making it sort of a holiday tradition that she gets a Karen Katz book for each corresponding holiday (Xmas, Valentine's, Easter ...), and it's so much fun!

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Compare And Contrast Essay Writing Secrets

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But once you have started, you will realize that an essay writes itself. Just fill in your ideas, whether you are narrating a topic closest to your heart or arguing a point of view.

Let your thought flow naturally in a logical, flowing fashion. If you decide to do this type of paper, here are some useful tips you can follow:


When writing a compare contrast essay, the first step is to choose a topic such as two events you have recently attended. You can focus on two people dearest to your heart who you can write about with ease because of your familiarity with them; two interesting things that you see everyday or two places you have just been to, with many similarities and differences.

Once you have identified the two subjects, decide which similarity and difference to focus on. This way you can effectively put across ideas on a particular topic, making a connection with your reader. Organize your essay in alternating or divided pattern.

Alternate the details from one side of the comparison or oppose the other, each time giving specific details to support both subjects of your comparison.

Go beyond description of the subjects you are comparing and what is important about them. Describe the features of the first subject, and then the other, making a careful transition to show that you are comparing the second subject to the first.

Consider the relation between the topics you have chosen, and organize your essay around the similarities and their differences.

Writing the argument

The order of similarity should be the same all throughout the paragraph to avoid confusing the reader. This will also give coherence to a comparison paragraph. Use conjunctions such as: similarly, in the same manner, likewise, the same as, also, too or both. Example: 1) Boracay Islands and El Nido in Palawan are both favorite tourist destinations in the Philippines. 2) Boracay Island beach resorts attracts foreign tourists as much as El Nido.

After presenting the similarities, in your contrast paragraph discuss the differences between the two subjects you have chosen using contrastive expressions or conjunctions such as: another difference, whereas, but, however, while, different in many ways. Example: Boracay Island beach resorts and El Nido in Palawan are backpackers' paradise. However, Boracay has become too crowded for comfort. Foreign tourists make El Nido their option for a more relaxing holiday and a bit of privacy, too.

After citing similarities and differences in your chosen subjects, reinstate your arguments towards the conclusion to make your essay

effective to influence your reader to act on your recommendation.

Strong concluding paragraph

The last paragraph of the compare contrast essay should be a condensation of your arguments into a couple of sentences. You should assert your conclusion about the subjects you have discussed. Like story-telling, your paper should not leave readers with several unanswered questions in their minds.

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Easter Greeting Card - Beagle With Bunny Ears

Easter Greeting Card - Beagle With Bunny Ears Review

Easter Greeting Card - Beagle With Bunny Ears Feature

  • Cover: no message
  • Inside: Hope you're up to your ears in fun! Happy Easter
  • Size: 5"x6.75"

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Garden of Hollows: Entering the Mysteries of Lent and Easter

Garden of Hollows: Entering the Mysteries of Lent and Easter Review

Friends Link : Easter Product Store

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Easter Fires

Easter Fires Review

Friends Link : Easter Product Store

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Lent and Easter Reflections for the Younger Crowd

Lent and Easter Reflections for the Younger Crowd Review

Lent and Easter Reflections for the Younger Crowd Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780809146338
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Thanks To : Easter Product Store

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Last Minute Vacation Deals

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If you are flexible for dates and destinations, some of the best last minute vacation deals can be found using online auction sites. There are many companies that use auctions to sell their inventory. Each site has different standards for accepting properties into their program, so make sure you do some research before you bid. Some sites are strictly for budget minded travelers. The goal is cheap, last minute travel. There are other sites that offer luxury accommodations. The variety of locations and properties you have to choose from will be dictated by how far in advance your trip is being planned.

Depending on the site, you may find that they focus on one area, such as Florida or Southern California for last minute vacation deals. Other sites may concentrate on specific types of properties, such as hotels or condominiums. Many offer package only options. A package includes a minimum of two travel components. This is usually airfare and accommodations, but it does not need to be. Their "Frequently Asked Questions" or the "About Us" pages will describe what their operating guidelines and features are. The best sites are those that meet your personal preference and provide quality service.

To place a bid, you will need to create an account and become a member. These are usually free of charge, but check their membership information pages just to be sure. There are many auction types for last minute vacation deals. In single auctions, there is one vacation package for sale and the highest bidder wins. In Dutch or Dual auctions, there are packages available for two bidders, the highest and second highest. The package is usually sold at the lower of the two bidding prices. There are also bidding programs that allow several winning bids, depending on the type of property.

This type of bidding package will list the number of packages available, inclusions and current highest bid amount. Regardless of the program selected, there are specific date ranges that must be used to redeem the last minute vacation deals. Most sites offer several date options, from a few weeks to a few months from the date the package is sold. Specialty and luxury auctions provide the opportunity to experience unique vacations at prices deeply discounted from a property's usual retail rates. They may include hotels, condominiums, or rental homes anywhere in the world, with special event tickets or tour options available.

Visit : Easter Product Store

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I Love Touring Italy - Springtime in Basilicata

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Basilicata is a little region of southern Italy with a very small coastline on the Tyrrhenian Sea to the west and a slightly larger coastline on the Gulf of Taranto to the east. You won't see too many tourists here, which may be just one more reason to visit this traditional region. Its weather may be somewhat cooler than you might expect, especially in the early spring.

One major early spring festival in this part of the world is the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross) Pageant. A great place to experience this Festival is the small town of Barile, population about 3 thousand, with a substantial Albanian influence due to the origin of many people. As elsewhere, the Stations of the Cross represent the various episodes of the Passion of Christ. You will see authentic reconstructions of the Gospel stories, among which are fantasy figures expressing ancestral fears. For example, the "Negro" represents a stranger, and the "Gypsy" is a dark symbol of wealth hiding evil and danger. These are very important figures of popular collective atonement. You will be impressed by the participants' spirit. Other localities hosting memorable Via Crucis Costumed Parades include Atella on the Thursday before Easter, and on Good Friday Maschito whose ceremony includes both Albanian and Greek aspects, and Venosa. The following day Rionero in Vulture celebrates its pageant which also has Albanian and Greek aspects.

On May 29 the day preceding the festival of San Gerardo, the patron saint of Potenza, a provincial capital of 70 thousand, the city celebrates the Sfilata dei Turchi (Procession of the Turks). According to legend in the middle of the night Saracen pirates navigated their boats upstream on the Basento River and attacked the city. The defenseless inhabitants were overjoyed when the sky lit up and a row of angels appeared, surprising the Saracens and providing them with time to organize their defense. A procession honors Saint Gerardo, the bishop of Potenza, who is said to have accomplished this miracle.

The small town of Accettura, population about 2500, holds its Sagra del Maggio (May Chopping Festival), perhaps the oldest festival in all Italy. To make a long story short two trees are united in a marriage ceremony, said to guarantee a rich harvest. The male or "Maggio" is a tall oak, the female or "Cima" is the top of a holly tree with a lot of branches. The two are carried around town and then ceremoniously united. You will find similar festivals in many other local towns.

See Also : Easter Product Store

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