Reading Your Bible - Getting Started and Sticking With It

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Are you a person who has trouble reading your Bible. You've seen a hundred "Get Through the Bible in One Year" advertisements, but you can't seem to stick with the program. If you're having trouble then you're like I was when I began reading my Bible.

The purpose of reading your Bible is to seek Jesus not to read through the Bible in one year. The Bible tells us the person that reads the Bible and meditates on it day and night will bring forth fruit. (See Psalms 1:1-6)

A Small Commitment

The key to reading the Bible is to make a commitment to read the Bible every day and sticking with it. I recommend that new believers read five or ten verses of the Bible every day. If you're reading a great passage that is more than your allotment and you want to finish it, by all means finish it. But, don't increase your commitment until you are ready.

It is better to read small portions of the Bible and meditate on what you've read than to read a large portion that you can't remember.

Don't be afraid to write notes in your Bible. When you write something down you are thinking about it. Underlining and writing notes in your Bible helps you find passages quicker and easier.

Life Happens

Keep your allotted reading low enough so that when your day is especially hectic you can still meet your commitment. There was more than one day I barely finished my reading before I passed out from exhaustion.

By making a daily commitment and sticking to it you will begin learning. Just as a baby needs daily food, Christians need daily spiritual food.

Pray and Meditate

Begin each Bible reading session with prayer. A simple prayer like, "Lord help me to read, hear, do, and share the word you give me today. In Jesus name. Amen."

We are to do everything in Jesus name, and that includes reading the Bible. (Read Colossians 3:17) When you pray believe that God through his Spirit will reveal his word to you. (Read James 1:5-8)

After reading the Bible take a few minutes to think about what you read. (That's what meditation is.) If you pray, read, and meditate on the word you will be surprised how quickly you'll be able to grasp the knowledge.

Do the Word

True understanding of the word only comes through applying the word to your life. If you don't apply what you study a full understanding will escape you. (Read Hebrews 5:14)

Where to Begin

I always advise new Christians to begin in the New Testament. Read through the New Testament at least two or three times before trying to read through the Old Testament. That will give you time to grasp the grace of Jesus Christ.

Don't get Discouraged

If you miss a day don't try to catch up on your reading by doubling it. You may put a burden on yourself that you will increase your disappointment. Just keep your commitment from that point.


If you find you can do more reading and want to do more reading then by all means do it. If you find that you increased too much then by all means decrease the commitment to the previous level. The point is to read your Bible daily. I find many days I go over my allotted number of pages, but there are days when it's a real struggle to meet my allotted number of pages.

The idea is to seek the Lord's face through his word, the Bible. He will honor your commitment.

II Timothy 1:12, "...for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day."

Copyright 2010 J-me

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