A Guide to Amsterdam Events

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Amsterdam is home to a series of familiar and unusual events ranging from Easter brunches, where both Easter Sunday and Easter Monday are recognized, to Queen's Day.

Of these, Museum Night stands out as unique to the city due to the large number of museums here. On this special night on the first Saturday of November, from 7 pm to 2 am, approximately 40 museums open their doors to the public with themed events or performances. These could range from DJs setting the pace to jazz concerts or poetry readings. Some museums offer unusual interactive tours and workshops. Food and drinks that follow the museum's chosen theme are generally offered as well. It's best to purchase tickets for Museum Night well in advance to get the cheaper rates and to avoid long queues. One ticket grants admission to all museums participating in the event. It also permits free transportation on trams and special boats that have been arranged for the occasion. As an extra touch, the ticket also entitles you to visit one of the participating museums again on a different day. This is valid until the end of the year. Programs are published as early as October. Look out for posters featuring "n8" for details on the events being hosted.

The summertime sees a large number of events in Amsterdam. Grachtenfestival is a nine day celebration with classical music performances on boats or in buildings overlooking one of the many canals. Over the years the number of performance venues and styles of music have increased, with everything from jazz to rock being played along the harbor or in the city center. Many of the performances are free including the popular Prinsengracht Concert for world famous classical musicians.

A similar event that also includes numerous free musical performances at various unusual locations in the city center is the Uitmarkt, which takes place on the last weekend of August. The difference is that Uitmarkt also features cultural and theatrical performances including dance, ballet, opera, monologues, and musicals.

Open Garden days allow the general public access to the private gardens of about 30 homes and institutions over the course of three days.

The Amsterdam Roots Festival in mid-June attracts performers from around the world to showcase their talents at many indoor venues such as Paradiso, Melkweg, and Concertgebouw. There is also an open-air free concert and dance performance hosted in Oosterpark on the first Sunday of that week.

Queen's Day, a national holiday celebrating the former Queen's birthday, is rather like the Mardi Gras of New Orleans. People hit the streets for an all day party that is themed around the color orange. Outdoor rummage sales are hugely popular during Queen's Day, and competition between sellers can bring out some interesting bargains.

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Reading Your Bible - Getting Started and Sticking With It

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Are you a person who has trouble reading your Bible. You've seen a hundred "Get Through the Bible in One Year" advertisements, but you can't seem to stick with the program. If you're having trouble then you're like I was when I began reading my Bible.

The purpose of reading your Bible is to seek Jesus not to read through the Bible in one year. The Bible tells us the person that reads the Bible and meditates on it day and night will bring forth fruit. (See Psalms 1:1-6)

A Small Commitment

The key to reading the Bible is to make a commitment to read the Bible every day and sticking with it. I recommend that new believers read five or ten verses of the Bible every day. If you're reading a great passage that is more than your allotment and you want to finish it, by all means finish it. But, don't increase your commitment until you are ready.

It is better to read small portions of the Bible and meditate on what you've read than to read a large portion that you can't remember.

Don't be afraid to write notes in your Bible. When you write something down you are thinking about it. Underlining and writing notes in your Bible helps you find passages quicker and easier.

Life Happens

Keep your allotted reading low enough so that when your day is especially hectic you can still meet your commitment. There was more than one day I barely finished my reading before I passed out from exhaustion.

By making a daily commitment and sticking to it you will begin learning. Just as a baby needs daily food, Christians need daily spiritual food.

Pray and Meditate

Begin each Bible reading session with prayer. A simple prayer like, "Lord help me to read, hear, do, and share the word you give me today. In Jesus name. Amen."

We are to do everything in Jesus name, and that includes reading the Bible. (Read Colossians 3:17) When you pray believe that God through his Spirit will reveal his word to you. (Read James 1:5-8)

After reading the Bible take a few minutes to think about what you read. (That's what meditation is.) If you pray, read, and meditate on the word you will be surprised how quickly you'll be able to grasp the knowledge.

Do the Word

True understanding of the word only comes through applying the word to your life. If you don't apply what you study a full understanding will escape you. (Read Hebrews 5:14)

Where to Begin

I always advise new Christians to begin in the New Testament. Read through the New Testament at least two or three times before trying to read through the Old Testament. That will give you time to grasp the grace of Jesus Christ.

Don't get Discouraged

If you miss a day don't try to catch up on your reading by doubling it. You may put a burden on yourself that you will increase your disappointment. Just keep your commitment from that point.


If you find you can do more reading and want to do more reading then by all means do it. If you find that you increased too much then by all means decrease the commitment to the previous level. The point is to read your Bible daily. I find many days I go over my allotted number of pages, but there are days when it's a real struggle to meet my allotted number of pages.

The idea is to seek the Lord's face through his word, the Bible. He will honor your commitment.

II Timothy 1:12, "...for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day."

Copyright 2010 J-me

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What is Your Biggest Weakness? How to Answer in an Interview

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What is your biggest weakness? is a common job interview question. It can be a tricky question to answer, but with the proper preparation, you will give a winning response.

Before you learn how to answer the question, let's look at the reasons the question is asked during a job interview, so you have a better understanding of what the interviewer wants to know.

The question about your weakness is to find out a few of things about you. Are you self aware and know what your strengths and weaknesses are? This is important because people who are know themselves, are usually people who can learn and grow both personally and in the job.

The question is also asked to discover if you are honest about yourself to others. A good team member can recognize his weaknesses and admit them to others. No one wants to work with a person who thinks he walks on water and is never willing to admit he is wrong.

The answer to the question of your biggest weakness, simply reveals what areas you are not strong in. A smart boss will hire people who have different skills, so that the team is well rounded. Imagine a team where every employee is strong in finding sales leads, but no one can then sell to those leads. Such a team would not be successful and the company would fail!

How do you answer the question of your weakness in a job interview? First, you must know what your strengths are. Start with the positive and really know what you do well. Now think of what does not come easy to you, what you may struggle to accomplish. Those are areas you are weak in.

If you are still unsure of your strengths and weaknesses, think about what your former bosses or teachers have said about you. Think of what compliments and what criticisms you have heard in the past. Make a list of both your strengths and your weaknesses. Your strengths may be that you are a good listener, you are someone who motivates others, or you complete projects on time. Weaknesses may be that you over-analyze everything, you procrastinate, or you are stubborn.

Now that you have both lists, look to see what on your list of weaknesses could be perceived as a strength, depending on the situation. Polar opposites or the yin and yang exists in everything in life. What I perceive as good, someone else perceives as bad. That means that you can take your weakness and demonstrate it as a strength in the right situation.

Let me show you what I mean. You may have heard all your life that you over analyze things and ask too many questions. When you go on a job interview, and are asked, "What are your weaknesses?," you could answer, "I analyze things too much." That answer will not help you land the job. A positive, winning answer is, "I have been told that I sometimes over-analyze things and can ask a lot of questions. I know that can bother some people. I have the ability to see holes in plans, that other people might not see. That's when I ask a lot of questions." Do you see how what some people would find annoying, is actually a real asset to a company? The key is giving a full explanation for what you have been told is a weakness.

Here is another way to handle the question of your weakness. Know what the job duties are and what they are not, by getting a thorough job description before you interview. You can get this information from the job posting. If you a working with a recruiter, he will have the job description. You can answer that your weakness is something that you know is not a job requirement. For example, Joe did telemarketing one summer during college, now he is applying for a computer analyst job, and knows that he will never have to handle a sales call. When asked about his weaknesses, he can say,"I am not a good salesman. I did telemarketing while I was in college and I did not enjoy it."

The interviewer may accept that answer and move on to the next question, or she may want to know a weakness in Joe's current career as a computer analyst. If she wants another example, then Joe can provide a weakness that is a strength in the position he is interviewing for. He can say, "I know I can be really stubborn. I am usually stubborn when I want to make sure the system is right and that we have not missed any glitches. Others want to go live, when I am holding my ground to check when I am not yet convinced that the program is fool proof." Joe's stubborn side can keep that company from having big problems by going live too soon. That is a positive quality that will help Joe get the job.

One other way to answer the weakness question is to think of something you were not skilled at, but took the time to learn. Maybe you were not very good with making Excel spreadsheets, so you took a course, or had someone teach you how to do the basics. You could answer, "I am not an expert in Excel, so I decided to get help and learn. I can now do a spreadsheet with basic functions. I plan to continue to my working knowledge and have signed up for an online course on Excel." This shows the interviewer that you recognized your weaknesses and you took the initiative to learn and improve your skills. It is important to be honest with your answers. You don't want to say you took a course or have signed up when you haven't. Lies have a way of catching up with you and biting you later on.

In summary, when asked the question about your weaknesses, give an honest answer.

You can name something that has nothing to do with the job responsibilities and requirements.
You can give an answer that others perceive as your weakness, but is actually a strength in the job you are interviewing for.
You can talk about something you were not strong in, but then took the time and initiate to learn and improve.

This is only one question you will be asked during the job interview. Remember to be positive with all your answers and be sure to tell the interviewer about your strengths and abilities.

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Which Christmas Games Can You Include at Your Party?

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Christmas is the time of the year when everyone is up on their feet with so many parties as well as friends and family gatherings! As what they say on one of the songs "Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year!" and this is when everyone celebrates with their loved ones. Even months before the holiday season, a lot of people are already excited planning the agenda and program of their merrymaking so that everybody will have a good time. Preparations on the food are done ahead of time and there are Christmas games to prepare for the enjoyment of all the guests.

Who would ever want a dull and dry party? The whole point of hosting one is for you and your guests to have a great time. There are so many ways on how you can make your parties really engaging and fun and one of these is through Christmas games. Since the hustle and bustle of the yuletide season is fast approaching, you can now start thinking about amusing and unique Christmas games. Here are some bright ideas on how to go about deciding which one would best fit your occasion.

Tips in Choosing Christmas Games

• When planning Christmas games for kids, it is recommended to choose games with easy to follow instructions. By doing so, kids will not be confused and mystified while playing. In addition to this, you can be sure that each game would be carried out correctly.

• Another guideline in choosing games for kids is to go for those that do not require much of their physical strength. This should be done in order to avoid accidents or any other mishaps while the children are playing.

• Never prepare a pre-list of who is going to play each game. Make your party free flowing by allowing anyone to join the games that he wants to play. You would not have any problems with kids because they will be more than willing to join all the games that you have prepared. For adults on the other hand, you can prepare a list but be sure to ask everybody first who wants to join. If there are fewer people than what the game requires, that is the time that you can use the list that you have.

• You may include the traditional games but to make it more interesting, you can go online and check the top rated games. Introducing new games to your guest will add more excitement and pleasure to your party.

You must understand that choosing Christmas games for you guests is not that easy. In order for the party to be successful, everyone must be contented with what you have prepared. This is your responsibility for being the host. First, you have to ask yourself - "Who are coming to my party?" By doing so, you will be able to assess their personality and know which type of games they would most likely enjoy. After that, you can proceed with your selection process but keep in mind that tips that were presented earlier. Have a nice party!

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Struggle and Triumph - Mother and Daughter

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I am the proudest mother in the auditorium. I sit among many other proud mothers, fathers and guests. It is my daughter's first ballet recital. I watch my daughter dance onto the stage with determination, pride and grace. I am in awe of my daughter.

My daughter, Lisa, is 30 years old. She is a fighter. She has a congenital muscle disorder. Her ballet class began as a substitute for traditional physical therapy. It has become therapy for her spirit as well. I sit in the front near the stage and I think back, back through the years of her life...

Her story began in the wee morning hours of February 19th, 1974. She entered the world following a full-term, unremarkable pregnancy. Lisa was a healthy infant weighing in at a chubby eight pounds eleven ounces. She appeared normal in all ways. Lisa was my second child. Her sister was four at the time of Lisa's birth. During infancy, Lisa had a minor incident of swallowing difficulty that quickly subsided. For awhile, everything seemed sunny and bright in our lives. Soon, however, I began to notice that Lisa could not hold her head up as well as other babies her age. She seemed almost like a rag doll. Her developmental milestones were becoming delayed. Lisa finally rolled over on her own at eight months. Soon, she was nine months old and could not sit up. I began to worry. When I brought my concerns to our pediatrician, he said that I should not compare my two daughters. So, I waited.

However, I truly believe that mothers know when something is amiss with their child. Lisa finally sat on her own, but leaned uncomfortably forward. Her arms and. especially, her wrists were noticeably thin and weak. Around her first birthday, we focused on crawling. Her sister tried demonstrating how to crawl. We had no luck. Lisa's arms could not support her weight. Now, I was past worried. Back we went to the pediatrician and he still insisted that we should wait and see. At this time, the doctor mentioned "hypotonia", a word I had never heard before. Hypotonia means weak muscle tone. Hypotonia would become the enemy. Wait and see was not one of my strong points. Shortly before her first birthday, I began to notice Lisa's eyes were rolling around. So, the first specialist on our long journey would be the eye doctor. Lisa has gone to the same ophthalmologist for 26 years. He became a great friend and supporter. Lisa's eye muscles were also weak from hypotonia.

To this day, she can only focus with one eye at a time. We celebrated Lisa's first birthday and still, no crawling, standing or walking. Her neck and arms seemed weak. She was alert and responsive in other areas. Panic was setting in. Urged by my relentless questions of when, why and how, Lisa's pediatrician was finally ready to take action. We were on our way to St. Christopher's Hospital for Children in Philadelphia. We saw several specialists and blood tests were run. We did not get a real diagnosis at that time. They said she was developmentally delayed in fine and gross motor development and appeared hypotonic. I heard the hypotonia word again! They explained that she had weak muscle tone in "all" her muscles.

At age two, Lisa was referred to our local Easter Seal Society where she received physical therapy and began making slow, but steady progress. Easter Seal's program literally rescued us from despair. We made many more trips to St. Christopher's Hospital receiving no additional information. At one point, a doctor told me that she might never be able to read. Of course, I was determined that Lisa would prove him wrong. She became an avid reader. At age three, Lisa was tested cognitively by Easter Seal's psychologist who was on the staff of Temple University Hospital. He told us she was about six months behind the norm. He informed me that she could begin East Seal's preschool on a trial basis for six months. I wondered immediately what he meant by trial basis. Did the psychologist think she would not fit into the program? I really let my imagination run away with me and wondered what I would do if she could not attend Easter Seal's school. Lisa began school and thrived and I received much needed support from the staff and a wonderful group of parents. After one month, the school psychologist let me know how great she was doing and her placement would be permanent. Along with preschool, she received physical, occupational and speech therapy. She made great strides but never did master crawling.

It was very difficult for Lisa to speak as her facial; mouth and tongue muscles were very involved. Her tongue protruded when she was tired. I learned that she would need intensive speech therapy. We, also, noticed that her head tilted to one side and that one shoulder was held higher than the other, this due to curvature of the spine. This has left her with a chronic neck problem. Also, one toe on each foot protrudes slightly. Despite all of the obstacles in her path, Lisa remained a healthy, happy, cute little girl. I began taking her to clinics at Easter Seals to see their specialists. At one of these clinics, held while she was in preschool, we got the diagnosis of benign hypotonia. In other words, she had weak muscle tone that would not get progressively worse. She remained at Easter Seals through kindergarten. A few months before her fifth birthday, Lisa walked across her classroom floor to see Santa Claus. Everyone applauded her and I could not contain my tears of joy.

Around this time, I was divorced from Lisa's father and soon remarried a wonderful man who adopted both my daughters. With my new husband and his three daughters; Lisa, now, had a large caring family and extended family. Bob was wonderful with Lisa and fought her battles right along with me. Our next challenge was the public school system. School was a never ending battle for Lisa's rights and best interests versus the school district's lack of time, money and flexibility. My husband and I became advocates for Lisa. Our request that an extremely heavy bathroom door be modified for Lisa's use, in turn, helped many of her classmates. Many times, we felt that teachers just didn't want to go the extra half-mile for Lisa. And more times, that not, the school staff had not even taken the basic effort of reading her file.

Middle school was her most discouraging time and mine. Children at that age can be very cruel. Additionally, at the start of middle school in 7th grade, Lisa was placed in the same class with children having severe emotional and behavioral problems. Soon I discovered that this class had only one reading group which was at the first grade level. Lisa could already read way beyond that level. I told the special education administrator that this class was totally unacceptable for Lisa. Her teacher and the administrator disagreed with me.
This was a very stressful time for us. I believe that reading is a fundamental tool for life. If you can read, your horizons are limitless. I finally convinced the school psychologist to help me. But, It took three months to move Lisa out of this class.

In high school, the attitude of the other students improved. However, we soon found that Special Education in high school did not include your basics such as; history, geography, English, spelling, science, math or discussion of current events. In our school district, the emphasis was put on obtaining employment after high school in the food service industry. I fought to have Lisa mainstreamed in several subjects. I felt that she should have every opportunity to reach her own potential not the school district's idea of her potential. She did very well in these classes which contributed much to her self-esteem. However, she received little or no support from the special education staff. Several teachers had discouraged our endeavor to have Lisa mainstreamed and voiced their opinion, in Lisa's presence, that she would fail. The lack of appropriate placement, lack of individualized academic goals, and a discouraging teacher attitude cost Lisa a great deal. Despite all the problems, Lisa graduated from high school with her class and attended the senior prom.

I am a firm believer in continuing education and am still purchasing educational software for Lisa to make up for the school district's lack of emphasis on basic academics. Lisa loves to read, loves history, and speaks out on issues relating to the disabled. We, determinedly, include Lisa in family discussions of current events and political views.

In 1997, we took Lisa to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania for an updated exam and genetic testing. Her doctor was a neurologist/geneticist. He confirmed her diagnosis as Benign Congenital Hypotonia (BCH). She was the first adult he had ever seen with this disorder. He told us that doctors normally see babies born with this disorder. Usually, the disease worsens and the child's weak heart and lung muscles collapse before their second birthday. However, our neurologist feels that since Lisa has continued to grow stronger that her disease will remain benign. Lisa's genetic testing was negative, however, that does not necessarily mean that this disease is not genetic.

Far from it. Some distinctive attributes of this muscle syndrome appear to be familial. Lisa has a nasal sounding voice with a high palate in her mouth and, after examination, so do I. I very much wanted to pursue the cause and the genetics of this disease. Therefore, our neurologist sent Lisa for a brain MRI. Through this, we discovered that she had a tiny area in her cerebellum that was empty. It is the precise area of the brain that controls muscle tone and fine motor development. The neurologist suggested that I should consider having a brain MRI which I did. My MRI was negative. Officially, the geneticist would neither confirm nor rule out that this disease is genetic in nature. However, he led us to believe that Benign Congenital Hypotonia is genetic. Lisa and I both support stem cell research and feel hopeful that we will soon see great progress made in treating brain and spinal cord injuries and malfunctions.

Today, Lisa is a thin young lady weighing approximately 100 pounds with a thin face. She has speech and fine motor impairments. However, she wanted to work and we did not want her sitting at home with nothing constructive to fill her time. We received help from the PA Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. They arranged for her to have a job coach to take her on interviews, help fill out applications and generally run interference with prospective employers. Her job coach became our good friend.

Lisa works at Blockbuster Video part-time, four days a week and loves her job. Her ballet lesson once a week is a high point for her. Lisa has been a bridesmaid in all of her sisters' weddings and helps care for her 13 nieces and nephews. Her social life is lacking and transportation is sometimes a problem. She and I both get disappointed, frustrated and even angry. So, we try to take a break from the problem and then continue our struggles again. We do not recognize quit or give up.

I will continue to support community, school, state and federal programs that help Lisa and others like her. Lisa and I feel that we need to demand rights for the disabled and support continuing research with the hope of making the quality of everyone's life better.

As the mother of this extraordinary prima ballerina, I have had many wonderful, life-altering experiences and met many remarkable people. It has been extraordinary! This is our story. Lisa and I hope that it will help someone else.

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How to Make A Character Cake When You Have No Instructions

Image : http://www.flickr.com

I have a few books with glossy pictures of cool cakes, including step by step instructions and templates for decorating the cake.

Failing that, I have been able to track down several cake templates for free on line.

However, recently I have hit a road block when it comes to making character cakes: there are generally no templates or instructions to be found for the latest, greatest, hippest character.

Not wanting to disappoint my fans, I found a way to create a cake template. It takes a small amount of computer knowledge and a bit of patience - but if you are making character cakes already, you likely have patience and enthusiasm for these kinds of things.

The first step is to locate a simple cartoon of the character. Avoid cartoons with lots of details or background image. You want there to be enough detail to make the character recognizable, but not too much that it's going to be confusing when you enlarge the image.

You can find this image in a colouring book, but you will need to scan it. Alternatively, try an online search for the character and see what you can find from there.

The next step is to decide what size of cake you are working with. Now, you need to blow up the cartoon image that you are working with to fit the dimensions of the cake.

If you are doing this digitally, you can do it in a Word file. Just set the size of the page to the dimensions of the cake, then paste the image in (NB - there are probably various graphics programs you can do this in as well, that I don't know about.)

If you are working Low-Fidelity, you can take your image to the local photocopier and resize it.

Now, print out your image!

Lay your image on your cooled cake, and use toothpicks to poke through the image and transfer the design onto the cake. Cut around the sides, and then decorate to your heart's content!

A small decorating tip: I have found that using fruit roll ups and fruit strings works wonders in place of piping in icing - it's fast, it looks cool, and hey, it's almost healthy ;)

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Easter Greeting Card - Bunny Garden

Easter Greeting Card - Bunny Garden Review

Easter Greeting Card - Bunny Garden Feature

  • Cover: no message
  • Inside: Sending a basket full of Easter wishes for a wonderful day! Happy Easter
  • Details: Embossed with hand sculpted dies, die-cut, metallic accents
  • Artist: Watercolor by Beth Grove
  • Size: 5"x7"

Easter Greeting Card - Bunny Garden Overview

Cover: no message Inside: Sending a basket full of Easter wishes for a wonderful day! Happy Easter Details: Embossed with hand sculpted dies, die-cut, metallic accents Manufacturer: ©Carol Wilson Fine Arts, Inc. Artist: Watercolor by Beth Grove Size: 5"x7"

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The Story of Easter (Trophy Picture Books)

The Story of Easter (Trophy Picture Books) Review

This book explains clearly Christ's role in Easter, and how Easter traditons relate to him. This book is able to get this message across in a very easy-to-understand way. I read this book to my sunday school class and they enjoyed the book very much. We also had fun doing some of the activites the book included. I liked this book very much, and I would suggests this book to anyone who is trying to explain the meaning of Easter in a very fun and understandable way.

The Story of Easter (Trophy Picture Books) Overview

With an informative text and glorious illustrations, this book explains both how and why people all over the world celebrate Easter. It tells the biblical story of Jesus’ Resurrection and then describes how people honor this day and the origins of these traditions. Hands-on activities help draw children into the spirit of this joyous celebration of rebirth.

The Story of Easter (Trophy Picture Books) Specifications

Aileen Fisher's informative, well-organized text describes Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, then moves on to explain the origins of other springtime rituals and their connection to the biblical traditions. Basic facts about the history of Easter, Passover, the Easter Bunny, Easter eggs, and other forms of religious and secular symbolism are lucidly conveyed, without going into excessive detail. The emphasis is on the symbolism of new life and new hope in the hearts of people, whether in Christian celebrations or in spring festivals. As Fisher says, "Not all Christian churches celebrate the Easter season in the same way. But the message of Easter is always the same. It is the joy and celebration of the belief that God's love is stronger than death." The author includes instructions on decorating Easter eggs, as well as a recipe for the traditional Easter-morning treat, hot cross buns. First published in 1968, this gorgeous new edition is illustrated by Stefano Vitale, who decorates each page as carefully and exquisitely as if it were a precious Easter egg. Lush yet muted earth tones and a folk-art slant to the paintings set this apart as a truly special Easter book. (Ages 6 to 10) --Emilie Coulter

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Easter Island

Easter Island Review

I liked this book because it was well written, and much of the plot was not predictable, and because it defied neat categorization into a genre. Part historical fiction, part mystery, part science, part romance, and part armchair-travel to Easter Island. There are 2 main plot lines from separate decades, but each with multiple threads.

Not totally perfect; there were a few places that seemed plodding. On the other hand, much was excellent. A surprisingly well-written book from a debut novelist. I look forward to future books.

Easter Island Overview

In this extraordinary fiction debut--rich with love and betrayal, history and intellectual passion--two remarkable narratives converge on Easter Island, one of the most remote places in the world.

It is 1913. Elsa Pendleton travels from England to Easter Island with her husband, an anthropologist sent by the Royal Geographical Society to study the colossal moai statues, and her younger sister. What begins as familial duty for Elsa becomes a grand adventure; on Easter Island she discovers her true calling. But, out of contact with the outside world, she is unaware that World War I has been declared and that a German naval squadron, fleeing the British across the South Pacific, is heading toward the island she now considers home.

Sixty years later, Dr. Greer Farraday, an American botanist, travels to Easter Island to research the island’s ancient pollen, but more important, to put back the pieces of her life after the death of her husband.

A series of brilliant revelations brings to life the parallel quests of these two intrepid young women as they delve into the centuries-old mysteries of Easter Island. Slowly unearthing the island’s haunting past, they are forced to confront turbulent discoveries about themselves and the people they love, changing their lives forever.

Easter Island is a tour de force of storytelling that will establish Jennifer Vanderbes as one of the most gifted writers of her generation.

From the Hardcover edition.

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Year-Round Homeschool: A Smart Idea

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Summer school is not just for students who need extra help with academics. For many homeschooled students, school is an every day affair - even in the summer.

Despite the fact that some may feel that homeschooling year-round is tantamount to torturing your children (or yourself), that is hardly the case. In fact, the benefits children and parents gain are numerous:

Managing school and life is easier. We can do shorter school days all year - not just in the summer. Since we are spreading out our schoolwork over approximately 240 school days each year instead of 175 or 180, we don't need to spend as much time every day on school. This makes homeschooling a much easier endeavor because it allows time for extra activities all year long and not just in the summer. Shorter school days also provide the opportunity for working parents to consider homeschooling as a viable option for their family.

Use it or lose it. Year-round homeschoolers don't experience "summer learning loss," as the U.S. Department of Education calls it(1). In fact, we actually gain at least an extra month of progress every year since we don't have to spend the first month of the school year reviewing concepts that have been forgotten over the summer break. These extra months add up over the years and are typically reflected in higher standardized test scores. Consistent daily teaching is especially important for children with special needs as it prevents the significant regression that may be experienced otherwise.

Prepares children for the real world. Unlike students who are basically trained for 12+ years to think that summer time equals no learning, homeschooled students who are taught year-round don't hold to this false expectation. Many of us who were taught in the usual September to June school cycle remember those first few years of working in the real world and feeling upset about not getting that nice, long break for summer vacation. It can be a painful reality check and some of us still aren't "over it". In the working world of adults, carefree summer months spent doing nothing are not reality. Long summer breaks do not prepare our children for real life in the adult world where two to four weeks of vacation a year are the norm (probably less than that if you are an entrepreneur or a mom).

Helps to prevent the back-to-school blues. Maintaining a consistent school routine minimizes the amount of time that the parent and child spend dealing with negative attitudes towards "school". Most parents know how difficult the first few weeks starting back to school can be. The freedom of no real demands upon their brain for the summer typically results in children who understandably fight the challenges and discipline that studying requires. However, when children are accustomed to learning every day we can avoid these schoolwork battles.

Take a break as needed. The option to take a break when the student (or homeschool parent) really needs one is often the most beneficial reason to homeschool year-round. Whether due to illness, visiting relatives, off-season vacations or field trips, or just those unexpected life emergencies that demand our immediate attention, families can opt to take a day off here and there as needed without any guilt about getting behind. Since we haven't already blocked out large portions of our calendar for breaks, we are afforded the flexibility of being able to take time off when necessary. A surprise "day off" from school is greatly appreciated by children and is often all your family needs to recharge mentally.
Homeschooling all year provides significant benefits that should be considered by homeschooling families. Why not make the most of the entire year and allow real life and student learning to dictate the need for breaks instead of a traditional school schedule that was developed for the agrarian society of the past? Don't be held captive by the calendar any longer - freedom is yours all twelve months of the year.

(1)The Achiever, U.S. Department of Education, Vol. 5, No. 5, June 2006, p.5.

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Embroidery Digitizing - How it Works

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Gone are the days when no one was particularly interested in embroidery work due to the hard complexities it comprised of. Nowadays, it's even much easier and faster to learn and perform at the same time, thanks to the amazing technology advancement that has made the process more fun.

Now, have you ever heard of embroidery digitizing? Its basically feeding digital information into a PC using a digital dossier, or scanned objects for that matter, and then custom digitizing it by making a few adjustments on the solidity settings, stitch styles and directions, in order to come up with a more perfect needlework design.

It's more like re-creating a given image in the way you want by the help of special needlework software and then later saving it in a certain code. So, how does the embroidery digitizing method work? The first major step that you have to check is whether you have the desired digital program software that mainly deals in needlework projects.

Make sure if you are looking it either from the internet or textile shops around you it is a genuine one so as to get the project done and done well. Once you have ensured that you have the correct software, you can then proceed to scan any of your artwork files, whether from a renowned fashion magazine or your own designer drawings, and then commence on your desired custom digitizing adjustments to it.

Nonetheless, if you find it difficult to work with the current scanned file, don't waste too much time on it since the project software is only aimed at helping you make the right modifications so as to come up with a desired needlework design. When using the program in making the necessary modifications on your scanned file, it's advisable to use bigger images to get a better picture of what you are doing and avoid straining your eyes.

You can as well make a few changes on the software settings. One thing that you have to remember though is that, whenever you decide to venture into any embroidery work, you have to be someone who's creative when it comes to choosing some wild colours and designs that simply command attention.

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Standard Poster - Easter savings

Standard Poster - Easter savings Review

Standard Poster - Easter savings Feature

  • 22" w. x 28" h.
  • Printed 1-side on heavy paper

Standard Poster - Easter savings Overview

Every Holiday is an opportunity to build sales. Easy-to-read message. Fits standard floor stands & sign hangers.

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The Easter Egg

The Easter Egg Review

Author/illustrator Jan Brett has created a visual feast in her newest book. While the illustrations retain Brett's lush, complex style, this book appears to be an homage to the beautiful Easter postcards printed in Germany in the 19th century. From the title design on the cover to the hens who pull the Easter Bunny's cart, you can almost picture the antique cards which must have inspired Brett.

The story is sweet - a little boy bunny finds his own special contribution to Easter - and deceptively simple. While on the surface the book is a strictly secular story, the theme of loving sacrifice could be used to tie this story back into the Christian Easter story.

This one is a keeper - as most of Brett's books are.

The Easter Egg Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780399252389
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

The Easter Egg Overview

Jan Brett’s lovable bunny hero, Hoppi, and her remarkable Easter Rabbit will enchant readers as they pore over illustrations filled with dazzling eggs made by Flora Bunny, Aunt Sassyfrass and others.

If Hoppi can make the best Easter egg, he will get to help the Easter Rabbit deliver the eggs on Easter morning. But it is not so easy. Discouraged, he goes into the woods to think when a blue robin’s egg tumbles out of its nest. Hoppi keeps it safe and warm until the baby bird hatches, and when the Easter Rabbit arrives, he chooses the empty blue eggshell to reward Hoppi for his kindness.

Spring is everywhere in gorgeous illustrations framed with pussy willows, flowering vines and flowers. Side borders feature busy rabbits making their unusual eggs and, in a border above, the Robin’s family drama unfolds.

A gatefold surprise reveals the Easter Rabbit.

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Gift Ideas For Second Weddings

Image : http://www.flickr.com

When you are invited to attend the wedding of a couple who has been previously married, you may be unsure how to handle the wedding gift. Some people wonder if it is even customary to give a gift when it is a second marriage (the answer is yes). Choosing the perfect gift for a couple who already has most of the household basics can definitely require a little extra creativity.

The size of the gift (in other words, the price!) for a second marriage will depend on a few different things. If you are very good friends with the couple, you would probably spend a little more than if they are merely business acquaintances. If you attended the first wedding of either the bride or groom and gave them a lavish gift on that occasion, you would be excused for wanting to give a less indulgent gift this time around. When in doubt, it would be safe to budget the same amount that you would for a first time wedding. Of course, if you are being informed of the wedding, but not invited to actually attend it, there is no need to send anything beyond your good wishes.

By the time a couple is getting married for the second time, they usually have formed their taste and style pretty clearly, so at least guests can use that as a guideline. Instead of getting them any of the household basics like a toaster (surely at least one of them will already have one), look for gifts that relate to their hobbies or passions.

A good place to start is by looking for things that are useful, but of a more luxurious quality than a person might buy themselves. For instance, if the bride and groom love to entertain, they likely already have a set of standard barware. But they may not have pieces like a beautiful serving tray or a sterling silver ice bucket. Another idea is one of those gorgeous handpainted platters imported from Italy.

When you are looking for a thoughtful wedding gift for a second time bride and groom, you do not have to limit yourself to household goods. For instance, a couple who loves culture would be thrilled to receive tickets to an opera (opening night, if you can manage it!) or a gift certificate to the hottest restaurant in town. Another idea would be to enroll them in something like a wine-of-the-month program, so that a new and interesting selection of wine will arrive at their door for the first year of their marriage.

If you know the bride very well, you might choose to give her a special something just for herself. This is an especially nice idea if you are the person that she has asked to stand up with her during the ceremony. Choose something unique, like a piece of handmade wedding jewelry. You could either surprise the bride with a piece of wedding jewelry that she has had her eye on, or have a pair of earrings or a necklace handmade especially for her. This is a wonderful gift for a longtime friend.

Use your knowledge of the bride and groom to help guide you to the perfect wedding gift. Without the need to be practical, as you would for a couple just starting out, there are countless great options available to you. Take some time to look around, and you are sure to come up with a present that both the bride and groom will love.

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The Night Before Easter

The Night Before Easter Review

I ordered this book for my grandson for Easter. I also have "The Night Before Thanksgiving". Since my 5-year old grandson liked that one so much, I decided to order the Easter version. The "story" is similar to "The Night Before Christmas".

The Night Before Easter Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780448418735
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

The Night Before Easter Overview

"Twas the night before Easter, just before dawn, Not a creature was stirring out on the lawn" The Easter bunny takes center stage in this delightful spin on Clement C. Moore's beloved poem that will send families hopping to the bookstore for an Easter treat sweeter than any sugar plum!

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The Story of Easter: Read and Share

The Story of Easter: Read and Share Review

I bought this book for my preschooler as an Easter present and enjoy it overall. The illustrations are engaging, and the Easter story reads well for that age group. The only awkward aspect is the treatment of the Last Supper wherein the author has Jesus requesting his disciples drink of the "juice of the grape". While I understand the tendency to appeal to Christians of all traditions, the truth is that Jesus and his followers (even Paul in I Corinthians 11) drank wine and understood it to be his blood. It's a mystery - not easily understood - but believed, none the less.

The Story of Easter: Read and Share Feature

The Story of Easter: Read and Share Overview

From the Read and Share Bible brand, this retelling of the Easter story is explained in a way that helps young children understand the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

The story of Christ's last week is carefully told in a way that teaches children about the amazing gift Jesus gave us. Events include His triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday through His appearance to the disciples and His ascension.

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Christmas, Teach Your Children The True Meaning Of Christmas

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Christmas is a wonderful time of the year. We should take the opportunity to discuss the origins of Christmas and the attitude of giving with our children. We should allow our children to participate in the Christmas school plays and church school plays.

Over the years commercialism has drowned out the true meaning of Christmas. It is up to us as parents to restore Christmas back to its rightful place. We can start in our own homes with our own families.

Family togetherness, unconditional love and goodwill should be the bywords of Christmas. Stories and pictures about the origins of Christmas should be all around our homes. Our churches should be taking a major role in spreading the true Christmas spirit.

Our church should have many small social activities leading up to one major event that will take place very close to Christmas day. All families should be required to attend. With a view to inviting another family. The invited family should be a family that does not attend church on a regular basis.

Make sure your children are directly involved in at least one charity event over the holiday. They can donate a toy or even help with a fundraising drive for those less fortunate.

Try not to purchase toys that overwhelm the children. Yes, make sure the toy will make your child feel special. However, that can be done without overkill. Be sure to remind them of the true gift of Christmas which is baby Jesus.

Construct as many gifts as you can with the children. Set aside special time for this. Make a big fuss over the time that is set aside. Prepare for the time and be sure that you have all the tools necessary for a successful time.

Working with the children on the different Christmas crafts and cards reinforces in their minds the significance of the season. The families who do not go to church can still do so much to instill in the minds of their children the Christmas spirit.

Make the Christmas tree the center of the living room. Take the time to downgrade the television set. If you must, watch television only at certain times. Then turn it off. Watch Christmas programs only.

If you are serious about resurrecting the spirit of Christmas then the focus must be on family and the things that a family does together. Purchase books about Christmas in other faraway countries.

Your children will gain an understanding and respect for different cultures and their traditions. Christmas is not just celebrated in their corner of the world. Show them that it is a world wide celebration.

Set a night or two aside for a drive to see the lights. That is always fun. Try your level best to include grandma and grandpa in the family outings. Children just love when grandparents tell stories of their childhood.

You are building memories for your children and for your entire family. Grandparents coming to stay at the house for the holidays? Put the children in charge of decorating the spare bedroom for their grandparents.

Above all take the time to let the children know that the Christmas spirit should not be displayed only in December. Show them by your example as loving and caring parents that the Christmas spirit of love and joy should be spread throughout the year.

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Easter Greeting Card - Easter Egg Bunny

Easter Greeting Card - Easter Egg Bunny Review

Easter Greeting Card - Easter Egg Bunny Feature

  • Cover: no message
  • Inside: Happy Easter
  • Details: Embossed with hand sculpted dies, die-cut,glossy accents on egg, inside is a full color painting of a chick hatching from the egg.
  • Artist: Watercolor by Beth Grove
  • Size: 5"x7"

Easter Greeting Card - Easter Egg Bunny Overview

Cover: no message Inside: Happy Easter Details: Embossed with hand sculpted dies, die-cut,glossy accents on egg, inside is a full color painting of a chick hatching from the egg. Manufacturer: ©Carol Wilson Fine Arts, Inc. Artist: Watercolor by Beth Grove Size: 5"x7"

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Genealogy Tools

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Genealogy is the study of our family history and ancestry. It allows us to learn about origins, know more about our family tree, and to put us in closer touch with our roots. There are many reasons why you might be interested in subject:

* There of course professional historians, and some of these will study genealogical matters just like any other historical subject.

* For many people genealogy is simply interesting hobby. Learning about your family's past is fascinating in itself, but furthermore the process of seeking and analyzing genealogical information can also be enjoyable - rather like trying to solve a complicated detective puzzle.

* The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often informally known as the "LDS Church") encourages research into family history. Members of the church believe that tracing their family history is a religious obligation, and believe that they will be reunited with family members in the afterlife.

Whatever the reason for your interest in genealogy, you can find a lot of help online. This includes:

1. Many web sites that contain searchable information that is of use in genealogy. Some such web sites contain vast databases collected from public, military or private records.

2. There is a wide range of genealogical software products available, including for example programs that help you draw out family trees, and organize your genealogical information. Some such products can be downloaded immediately, whereas others can be ordered online but are delivered by mail (typicalled these are boxed software products on a CD-ROM).

3. There are many tutorials about genealogy, as well as sites containing tips and ideas if you feel that you are stuck at a deadend during your research.

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12" Pudgy Easter Bunny in Purple Overalls

12" Pudgy Easter Bunny in Purple Overalls Review

12" Pudgy Easter Bunny in Purple Overalls Overview

Pudgy is 12" tall and wears corduroy overalls with movable ears. Pudgy is cuddly soft and the perfect squeezable friend.

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Craft Show Display Ideas

Image : http://www.flickr.com

There are many cases in the craft show business where you are going to have to alter your strategy for selling your crafts. Here are 4 things you can do in order to keep your product selling, even when everyone else seems a little slow:

1.) Combine items - If you have a slower selling item that just isn't giving you the return you want on your investment, then try pairing it up with a better selling item. This achieves two things: it gets rid of stock that is taking up room and isn't selling; and second, it provides more value to the customers purchasing the hot selling item. You might even be able to sell the item-in-demand for more money.

2.) Holiday sales - We celebrate so many different holidays, and each one of them means something to somebody. This is a prime opportunity to capitalize on a "George Washington Day" sale, or a "Flag Day" sale, or whatever the holiday is. Of course, the biggest ones will be your Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter (maybe even Mother's and Father's Day) sales - but the bottom line is - if you offer people a deal related to a holiday, you might be able to boost your overall craft sales.

3.) Buy one, get one at 50% off - This is a classic sales approach, especially if you want to sell your product for a little more than you normally would. This might be a good way to experiment with the price. Sell one product for $20 and the next one is only $10, but you have easily covered the cost of both AND made a great profit!

4.) Creative sales - Anything from a 'first-time-buyer' sale to a sale for seniors might be another great way to generate added sales in your craft show booth. Tailoring sales programs to the crowd that is going to attend the craft show is an ingenious method for boosting sales at a craft show.

The best craft show salespeople are constantly eying up ways they can increase the number of products they move through their craft show booth. They come up with a variety of marketing plans (some that work, others that don't), but each time they try to innovative in their approach.

With some imagination you can come up with a few great display ideas of your own to generate sales in your own booth. Don't be afraid to try something a little bit different - you have nothing to lose when you are trying to move craft show products!

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First Easter

First Easter Review

This book is a well written, and moving account of the final week of Jesus. You feel as though you are walking along with Him during that time. You can feel the pain, rejection, and triumph of the crucifixion and resurrection. This is a life changing book. I was literally moved to tears the first time that I read this book.

First Easter Overview

Peter Marshall's sermons proved him to be not only a devout man of God but also a stimulating, sparkling storyteller. In this beloved book, Catherine Marshall skillfully weaves a magnificent dramatic narrative of Easter from Peter's many thought-provoking messages.

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Happy Easter

Happy Easter Review

Happy Easter Feature

  • Printed by hand on antique letterpress.
  • Soy ink. 100% post-consumer, FSC-certifed cardstock
  • Blank inside
  • Printed in Portland, Oregon, USA

Happy Easter Overview

Happy Easter, with blue bunny.

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Old-Time Easter Stickers: 27 Full-Color Pressure-Sensitive Designs

Old-Time Easter Stickers: 27 Full-Color Pressure-Sensitive Designs Review

If you enjoy old time stickers and holday bunnies then you will love these! Adorable.

Old-Time Easter Stickers: 27 Full-Color Pressure-Sensitive Designs Overview

Ducks in Easter finery, a rabbit in a high hat, a chick emerging from an Easter egg—all are included in this treasury of 27 full-color stickers that’s perfect for adding a touch of antique holiday charm to gifts, stationery, and more. Just peel and apply.

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DVD Confidential: Hundreds of Hidden Easter Eggs Revealed

DVD Confidential: Hundreds of Hidden Easter Eggs Revealed Review

This is a very nice book. A lot of time and effort went into the research for this one. Many of us are just beginning to find out what an "Easter Egg" is in DVD terms. Of course we all know the Easter Bunny, but this is different. An "Easter Egg" is a hidden gem you may not find listed on the back of your DVD container. It is a hidden, a "secret" image or words that you click on to or click a special sequence or code. It brings up a "secret deleted scene, blooper, features, "secret" conversations by an actor not meant to be heard, almost anything these days. The "Easter Egg" in the film "Boogie Nights" is definatly an extra scene for adults only, if you can find it. This book will help you find all the "Easter Eggs" you may have on your DVD movie at home right now. This book will tell you exactly how to find that "Easter Egg" and what to do to get it. 147 movies are listed. I bet there will be many more sequel books to follow too.

DVD Confidential: Hundreds of Hidden Easter Eggs Revealed Overview

Love movies? Here's a new way to enjoy them! Easter Eggs are the insider gems tucked into the digital landscape of many DVDs -- deleted scenes, "making of" features, alternate endings, conversations between directors and actors -- plus, special inside jokes made just for DVD viewers. Movies featured include The Godfather, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, Shrek, Moulin Rouge, The Terminator, Tomb Raider, The Blair Witch Project, Cast Away, Citizen Kane, Die Hard, Magnolia, The Wizard of Oz, X-Men, and more.

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Come to the Table: A Catholic Passover Seder for Holy Week

Come to the Table: A Catholic Passover Seder for Holy Week Review

During this Year of the Eucharist, Catholics looking to more fully appreciate the sacrament while enriching their family or parish celebration of Holy Week should look to the wonderful new book Come to the Table: A Catholic Passover Seder for Holy Week (Plowshares Publishing, January 2005, paperback, 96 pages). Author Meredith Gould, Ph.D., writes from an educated perspective - describing herself as a "Jew by identity, a Christian by faith, and a Catholic in practice". Gould's additional books include The Catholic Home: Celebrations and Traditions for Holidays, Feast Days and Everyday (Doubleday), which carries the imprimatur of the Catholic Church. As an adult convert to Catholicism, she writes in a manner which will encourage Catholics to examine and embrace the richness of traditional Jewish rituals and symbolism surrounding the feast of Passover.

Having been raised in a Jewish home, Gould opens her book with reminiscences of family Passover celebrations. With many Jewish friends of my own, I have discussed the wonderful family gatherings of this holiday and the memories created through the act of coming together in faith and celebration. I am looking forward to sharing Meredith Gould's Catholic Passover Seder with my own family and friends this year as a part of our Holy Week celebration.

As background information, Gould supplies a history of the rituals and symbols of the traditional Passover feast. An informative and touching section of the book entitled "Reconciliation and Teshuva" comments on the evolving relationship between Jews and Catholics, up to an including recent Papal acts and writings and current events such as reaction to Mel Gibson's film The Passion of the Christ. Given this background, Gould recommends an emphasis on what we as Catholics share in common with our Jewish brethren. The Catholic Passover Seder does not draw entirely on the traditional Jewish Seder, but rather provides an alternative inspired by and structured upon the original format but based in Christianity.

The bulk of Come to the Table contains practical, step by step instructions for planning, preparing and conducting your own Catholic Passover Seder. Gould's Seder may be used in either home, small group or parish settings. A complete appendix section provides additional prescriptions for carrying out a successful Seder in your parish.

I walked away from my experience of reading Come to the Table: A Catholic Passover Seder for Holy Week both educated and inspired: educated on this history, symbols and rituals which underpin this antecedent to our Holy Thursday Eucharistic traditions, and inspired to celebrate this new tradition in my own home and faith community.

Come to the Table: A Catholic Passover Seder for Holy Week Overview

"On the night Jesus was betrayed, he took bread and gave God thanks and praise. He broke the bread, gave it to his disciples, and said: 'Take this, all of you, and eat it; this is my body which will be given up for you...'"

Come to the Table: A Catholic Passover Seder for Holy Week invites Christians to appreciate more fully the Last Seder where Jesus established the Eucharist as a sacrament.

Developed for home and parish use, Come to the Table includes:

• A traditional Jewish seder service adapted for home and parish use, with Hebrew prayers in English.

• Easy-to-follow instructions for conducting the seder.

• Details about Passover and Passover symbols and their significance relative to the sacraments, with citations to Hebrew and Christian scripture.

• Extensive commentary about historical tensions between Christians and Jews, and conditions for reconciliation.

• Guidelines for preparing traditional Passover fare and setting the holiday table.

Come to the Table is for anyone seeking to integrate the traditions of Judaism and Christianity. Author Meredith Gould, Ph.D., describes customs and debates issues with enthusiastic reverence. A Catholic convert from Judaism, she is the author of The Catholic Home: Celebrations and Traditions (Doubleday), which received the imprimatur of the Catholic Church, and Deliberate Acts of Kindness: Service as a Spiritual Practice (Doubleday).

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Polish Easter Spring Pop-up Greeting Cards, Set of 8

Polish Easter Spring Pop-up Greeting Cards, Set of 8 Review

Polish Easter Spring Pop-up Greeting Cards, Set of 8 Feature

  • 4.75" x 6.5"
  • 8 Cards with envelopes
  • Imported from Poland

Polish Easter Spring Pop-up Greeting Cards, Set of 8 Overview

Set of 8 Easter cards with a spring pop-up image on the inside of the card. Each card holds a various Easter greeting. Open a card and a small image mounted on a spring will pop-up, truly unique.

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The Story of Easter

The Story of Easter Review

I found that my 2.5 year old daughter loves these books. It helps her to understand the story behind the holiday. We also have the Story of Valentine's Day...its easy to understand for the little ones and tells the story! I'll be buying more of these for each holiday...

The Story of Easter Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780824955601
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

The Story of Easter Overview

A perennial best-selling Easter board book is reformatted in a low-priced paperback format. In 200 words, this simple book explains a powerful story that even the youngest reader will be able to enjoy. Big, colorful pictures make the story come alive. This wonderful book tells the beautiful story of the first Easter and why it is still celebrated today.

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Have a Silly Easter! (Mad Libs (Unnumbered Paperback))

Have a Silly Easter! (Mad Libs (Unnumbered Paperback)) Review

Have a Silly Easter! (Mad Libs (Unnumbered Paperback)) Feature

Have a Silly Easter! (Mad Libs (Unnumbered Paperback)) Overview

In these Easter-themed stories, preschoolers can fill in the blanks with 140 stickers featuring pictures with corresponding words. Plus, each story is accompanied by a coordinating coloring page. It’s the perfect introduction to reading—as well as a great Easter basket goodie!

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