Martin Luther's Easter Book Review
This is a collection of Martin Luther's sermons. Martin Luther was a Catholic monk who rifted from the Catholic church and founded Protestant and the Lutheran denomination. Protestant baptizes those who are of age. Lutheran teaches you get saved through baptism. I'm a member of an ECLA local chujrch, Pilgrim Lutheran Church. That one is the closest to Catholic that Lutheran has and is almost identical to straight Catholic. There are many sub denominations of Lutheran. For example, Bethal Lutheran was the Plymouths. Our Savior's I think worships Superman, my friend goes there. It's totally 2000s. They didn't care about the quality or the goodwill anymore. Recommendec for those who want to reclaim their Christian heritage. While the Church of Satan lingers at 300 members, Pilgrim has 9 million each and every year. My ancestors came over on the Mayflower. It is not funny. Easter is a Christian holiday recognized by the government amd the post office to celebrate Jesus' resurrection. It is one of the most important holidays we keep next to Thanksgiving. I repeat, it is not funny. Amen.
Martin Luther's Easter Book Overview
This powerful book of passages from Martin Luther's Easter sermons portrays the reformer's lasting thoughts on faith, human imperfection, salvation through grace, and the wonder of God. The sermons explore events from Holy Week through the Resurrection. They combine marvelous insights with inspiring calls to action that are so characteristic of the great reformer: "The resurrection consists not in words, but in life and power."